February 2022
oncept Monthly
I m m a c u l a t e C o n c e p t i o n C a t h o l i c C h u rc h
Meet Parishioner Rhonda Schnipke:
Faithfully Extending Hospitality to All in Our Community
henever Rhonda Schnipke Conception because of the more has moved to a new traditional feel. It reminds her of church or joined a new ministry, the parish, St. Michael’s, where people have always welcomed her. she grew up. She always returns the favor by “I feel like I am sharing Mass at being hospitable to anyone who is home with my parents,” she says. new to our community. “That was part of the draw here.” “I have moved so much between Rhonda became a licensed college and work, so I was developfoster parent in June 2020. She ing relationships constantly,” Rhonda also stays very involved in many says. “All along the way, people have ministries at Immaculate Concepmade me feel welcome. When you tion. For many years, she used are a single person moving to a new her talents on the Finance Councommunity, you have to create famcil, and she serves as a lector. ily in other ways. Church has always Rhonda also volunteers for the been one of those ways for me.” Oktoberfest event, usually using Ever thankful for all the hospitality she’s Rhonda moved to Willoughby experienced from everyone at Immaculate her money-counting skills. Periodiabout 14 years ago to take the Conception, Rhonda Schnipke loves and cally, Rhonda volunteers with the position of senior finance manager appreciates the family she’s made here. St. James Painesville and McKinley at Avery Dennison. She grew up in Meal Ministry, preparing meals for Kalida, Ohio, where her parents still live. Rhonda those in need. In addition, she taught Confirmahas three younger brothers. tion classes for several years. She also helps with Upon moving to Willoughby, Rhonda visited sevthe Social Committee events like Breakfast with eral Catholic Churches but settled on Immaculate Santa and the annual Clam Bake. continued on page 5
37940 Euclid Avenue
Willoughby, OH 44094