Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Newsletter — June 2022

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June 2022

oncept Monthly


I m m a c u l a t e C o n c e p t i o n C a t h o l i c C h u rc h

Deacon Fabian Duckhyun Han Welcomed Once Again to Our Parish Community


ery soon, Immaculate Conception parishioners will be happy to recognize a familiar face around the parish! Deacon Fabian Duckhyun Han, who spent last summer with us as a seminarian, is joining us for his transitional diaconate year beginning May 23. “I’m very excited,” says Deacon Fabian, who was ordained in April. “Last year I was a seminarian, but this year I'm coming back here as a deacon, so I can do more than last year. Now I can do Baptisms, preaching, marriage, and funeral liturgies.” In this ministerial role, Deacon Fabian will be able to serve in many capacities around the parish. “We’re looking forward to having him back," says Fr. Michael Troha. "Everyone is." Deacon Fabian will enter into parish life in many different areas, assisting our clergy with various liturgies, ministries, community outreach, events, and more. He will once again help out with our annual Vacation Bible School and Oktoberfest programs. “He is going to enter into the pastoral work of the parish as if he was a newly ordained priest,” says Fr. Troha, adding that there are certain sacraments he cannot perform, such as celebrating Mass and hearing Confessions. Originally from South Korea, Deacon Fabian joined us last summer as a seminarian. His home Archdiocese of Daegu has a partnership with our diocese, which has allowed him the opportunity to study continued on page 5

37940 Euclid Avenue

Willoughby, OH 44094

Deacon Fabian Duckhyun Han looks forward to seeing all of the parishioners of Immaculate Conception Parish, and is excited to journey with our parish family in the months ahead.


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