Take, Break,Bless,Give St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 2022 Stewardship Renewal

From Eucharistic Prayer I
“The day before He suffered, He took bread in His sacred hands and looking up to heaven, to You, His almighty Father, He gave You thanks and praise. He broke the bread, gave it to his disciples, and said: Take this, all of you, and eat it: this is my body, which will be given up for you.”

Stewardship at St. John the Baptist
Becoming Eucharistic People
This year, during our annual Stewardship Renewal, we have an opportunity to reflect deeply on the source and summit of the life and mission of the Church. We are truly striving to become a Eucharistic People, which is reflected in our 2022 stewardship theme: Take, Bless, Break, Give. As Christ gave himself to us, so we give ourselves to others. All families are asked to use their Commitment Card to make commitments of time, talent, and treasure, then bring the completed card to Mass on September24/25
The Eucharistic Cycle of Stewardship As Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, we are called to give of ourselves. With grateful hearts, we receive God’s gifts, prayerfully nurture them, and share them with others.
At the last supper, Jesus gave us his Body and Blood, telling us, “Love one another as I have loved you.” Then just a few hours later, he made the ultimate sacrifice of love on the cross. The invitation is clear: As Jesus laid down his life for us, we are called to give our lives to others. At St. John the Baptist, we call this lifestyle stewardship

STEWARDSHIP OF TIME Worshipping Christ in the Eucharist As Catholics, the center of our prayer lives is the Eucharist. While we are all called to pray daily — on the way to work, with our family, before bedtime — the heart of our spirituality is receiving Jesus in Communion. This year we are placing special emphasis on attending Mass each Sunday, which is not only an obligation, but also a great privilege. Several other ways to put Jesus at the center of our lives through regular prayer are listed on your Commitment Card. Action Steps for Spiritual Growth: • Make Mass your top priority each weekend • Prepare yourself for Sunday Mass by reflecting ahead of time as a family on the lectionary readings that will be proclaimed — even five or ten minutes will change you • Set aside intentional time to spend each day in personal prayer • Make an extra effort to pray before the Blessed Sacrament 4

5 STEWARDSHIP OF TALENT Being Christ to Others Every week, St. John the Baptist is buzzing with activity. There are groups that pray together, groups that minister to other parishioners, and groups that reach out to the community. Part of being an active member of our parish is to find your niche — the ministry where your personal talents can best be used. This is what St. Peter meant when he wrote, “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10 Action Steps to Increase Your Involvement: • Re-commit yourself to your current parish ministries • Choose at least one new ministry to join — perhaps something that stretches you outside of your comfort zone • Plan to attend parish-wide events for both fellowship and formation

When Jesus observed a poor widow giving a small contribution to the temple, he remarked to his apostles, “This poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.” In this touching scene, we learn that our gifts should be proportionate: if your income is low, your gift will be small; for those who have more, more is expected. Moreover, we learn from this parable that Christ honors our sacrifice; he cherishes the sacrifice we make when we give from our substance rather than from our Whilesurplus.theChurch
• Use your
• Take
Putting God First in Finances
doesn’t have any rules for financial support, in scripture we find that the Israelites were asked to give God ten percent of their harvest. Thus, the tithe has become a standard for most Christian communities. We ask that each family apportion their tithe as follows:5% to St. John the Baptist 1% to the diocese 4% to other charities Action steps for financial generosity: Commit to giving a percentage of your income to God through the parish offertory as an expression of your love for the God Who withholds nothing of Himself from us a look at your current spending habits assess what expenses preventing from offering your treasure more selflessly offertory envelopes electronic giving

Contact: Kathleen Carr, funerallunch@stjbsom.org312-303-0869,
As we grow older, sometimes we find ourselves living in loneliness. This could be because we have lost a spouse, our children have grown and moved away, we cannot drive anymore, or medical issues that keep us from going out into the community to socialize with others. We need volunteers to visit those in their homes to bring love and happiness to fill their day with simple activities such as reading, singing, listening to music, playing cards, playing musical instruments, making a batch of cookies, bringing in your favorite dessert with a cup of coffee, or just listening to concerns they might have.
Contact: Chuck and Linda Hickey, 815-498-2064, lossandtransition@stjbsom.org
Contact: Pam Rogers, ministertosick@stjbsom.org815-495-9547, LOSS AND TRANSITION MINISTRY
This committee works together to prepare and serve a luncheon after funerals for the grieving family, their friends and for all who attend the funeral Mass.
Members of this ministry bring Holy Communion to parishioners who are unable to attend Sunday Mass due to age, illness, or other circumstances.
Contact: Carol Evans, 331-999-2874; Parish Office, 815-498-2010 UshersUSHERSgreet parishioners at weekend Masses, take up the collection, distribute bulletins, and perform other duties to ensure the Mass progresses smoothly.
These women create quilts and other items for the comfort of the sick and elderly. They also raffle and sell some items to fund the ministry. This committee meets Thursday mornings from 9-11 a.m.
Contact: Parish Office, 815 498-2010, info@stjbsom.org
Contact: Mary Rohrer, mendingoneheart@stjbsom.org815-498-9095, 7
Members of this ministry meet with families of parishioners who have endured the death of a loved one to express sympathy on behalf of the parish and to help them plan the funeral liturgy.

Contact: Parish Office, 815-498-2010
PRAYER ThisADORATIONgrouppromotes and coordinates Eucharistic Adoration at the parish.
LectorsLECTORSproclaim the Word of God at Mass in an inspiring and meaningful way. Training is provided.
Boys and girls assist the priest at all liturgical services that require servers, such as weekend Masses, funerals, and weddings and processions. Altar servers must be in the fourth grade or older and have received their First Communion.
Contact: Parish Office, corpuschristi@stjbsom.org815-498-2010,
Contact: Parish Office, communionmin@stjbsom.org815-498-2010,
Contact: Parish Office, 815-498-2010, lector@stjbsom.org
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY ExtraordinaryCOMMUNIONMinisters are entrusted with the special responsibility of assisting in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. Training is provided.
This group helps plan and coordinate the annual Corpus Christi Procession.
Contact: Parish Office, sacredmusic@stjbsom.org815-498-2010,
This choir sings at funeral liturgies, usually in the morning. It is open to all parishioners and has no regularly scheduled rehearsals.
Contact: Parish Office, altarserver@stjbsom.org815-498-2010,
Contact: Cathy Certain, 815-997-5541, adoration@stjbsom.org
ADULT ALTAR SERVERS Assist the priest celebrant during daily Mass and for exposition and benediction and funerals.
Contact: Chuck Hickey, adultaltarserver@stjbsom.org815-498-2064,
ThisRETREATgroup will help plan and present our retreats during the year. Contact: Parish Office, 815-498-2010, retreat@stjbsom.org
There are opportunities for musicians of all levels and ages to be involved in the Sacred Music Ministry at St. John the Baptist. These ministries include Choirs, Cantors, Bell Ringers and Instrumentalists.

Contact: Peggy Strever, baptismprep@stjbsom.org815-498-3652,
Each year we are blessed with a number of individuals who desire to enter and learn more about the Catholic Faith. The RCIA program is the study of the Catholic Faith for adults. This class is offered for adults in one of the three following situations:
This committee meets with parents to prepare them for the baptism of their children by educating them about their Catholic faith and this sacrament.
1. Un-baptized adults who desire to be baptized in the Catholic Church; 2. Baptized non-Catholic Christians who desire to be formally admitted into communion with the Catholic Church; 3. Baptized Catholics who have not yet been confirmed and desire to receive the Sacrament of TheConfirmation.classmeetsfrom the end of September until April.
Small groups that study and learn about the various facets and teachings of the Catholic faith through engaging videos and discussions.
Several weekly Bible studies are offered, which look into the depths of and glean spiritual fruit from Sacred Scripture. Join us to dive deeper into God’s Word!
Contact: Parish Office, 815-498-2010, info@stjbsom.org
Contact: Chuck Hickey, followeroftruth@stjbsom.org815-498-2064,
Contact: Parish Office, 815-498-2010, RCIA@stjbsom.org
Contact: Lisa Short, lisashort@stjbsom.org815-826-0282,
The Totus Tuus parish summer catechetical youth program is a week-long “parish mission” for Catholic youth entering grades 1st through 12th. It is dedicated to the proclamation of the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, apologetics, Christian witness, the sacraments, Marian devotion, and Eucharistic worship.
Religious education teachers help children grow in their knowledge and love of Christ and their Catholic faith, as well as prepare them to receive the sacraments. Pre-K thru seventh grade meets on Sundays 9:15-10:45 a.m., and Confirmation (eighth and ninth grades) meets on Sundays 9:00-10:45 a.m.
Contact: Religious Education Office — Judy Kreczmer, 815-498-2627, RE@stjbsom.org
This group comes together to grow in our understanding of Catholic beliefs through Scripture, prayer and discussion on a regular basis. Parishioners of all levels of catechetical knowledge are welcome to the meeting on the first Wednesday of each month at 8:30 a.m.
Contact: Parish Office, scripturestudy@stjbsom.org815-498-2010,
This group comes together to pray and grow in knowledge of the important pro-life issues of today. They give witness to the sacredness of every human life. They also provide ways for parishioners to get involved in the pro-life movement.
Contact: Alice Weissensel, 815-786-7924, respectlife@stjbsom.org 9

Contact: Lisa Short, SERVICEYDisciple@stjbsom.org815-826-0282,
HighYDISCIPLEschoolteens are mentored in the faith through adult leaders, compelling videos and thought provoking discussion in a casual environment. Those out of high school are invited to be small group mentors.
Contact: Sherry Tracey, OLLgrotto@stjbsom.org815-496-2561, InPHOTOGRAPHYthisministry,parishioners who have photographic skills take high-quality pictures at various parish events.
Contact: Parish Office, 815-498-2010, info@stjbsom.org
This is a group of men who come together to serve the parish and community with different events during the year. They especially focus on family, youth, vocations to the priesthood, and pro-life issues. The men develop fraternity and friendship with each other and a greater love for Christ and the Church. Meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:15 p.m.
Contact: Parish Office, 815-498-2010
Contact: Cathy Certain, 815-997-5541, photo@stjbsom.org
These parishioners assist with keeping the Lord’s house clean and beautiful. They help with vacuuming, dusting, etc.
Contact: Parish Office, churchcleaner@stjbsom.org815-498-2010,
This group assists the pastor by ordering, placing and caring for flowers and other decorations during the various church seasons with a special emphasis during Christmas and Easter.
Contact: Laura Short, decorator@stjbsom.org815-498-2747,
This is a committee of men of the parish who plan, coordinate and prepare our annual Corned Beef Dinner. We typically prepare over 2,000 pounds of corned beef, 650 pounds of potatoes and 1,200 pounds of cabbage, and serve around 1,100 people.
Contact: Chuck Kessler, cornedbeef@stjbsom.org815-786-8064,
This group cares for plants and flowers outside around the church, rectory, and parish center.
Take parishioners to and from their appointments who are unable to drive.
This group helps to keep our grotto a beautiful place of prayer by taking care of the plants and flowers through regular watering and weeding and caring for the other needs of the grotto.
Contact: Parish Office, 815-498-2010
This ministry organizes meal giving around births, surgeries, illnesses, etc. with a sign-up calendar. Recipients are asked what kinds of meals they prefer to receive including dietary restrictions and best drop off time. St. John volunteers make a meal for a particular day for a person/family in need.
Contact: Chuck Durancik, 815-498-2010, knights@stjbsom.org MEAL TRAIN

Contact: Denise Ramos, 815-970-5137 info@stjbsom.org
Contact: Rick Ramos, financecouncil@stjbsom.org920-285-9079, 11
Contact: Denise Ramos, 815-970-5137, info@stjbsom.org WOMEN’S SOCIETY
These women of the parish organize various projects and social events during the year. They also provide for the spiritual well-being and fellowship of the women of the parish.
This group helps to maintain parish buildings and grounds. They utilize their talents for hands on maintenance projects, which include carpentry, electrical, plumbing, masonry, and landscaping.
Contact: Bud Short, buildingsandgrounds@stjbsom.org815-498-2747,
This is our parish social committee. They organize and lead events and activities at the parish. This commission meets as needed.
WELCOMING COMMITTEE Committee members visit new parishioners and welcome them to our parish community.
Members of the Finance Council advise the pastor regarding the management of parish finances and property, review parish business operations, prepare budgets, and identify needs and expenses for upcoming facility maintenance.
Contact: Kathleen Carr, COMMITTEESCOMMISSIONS/womenssociety@stjbsom.org312-303-0869,
Contact: Chuck and Sandy Durancik, 815-498-1354, welcome@stjbsom.org
Contact: Chuck and Sandy Durancik, 815-498-1354, chuckdurancik@stjbsom.org
ROSARY MAKERS This ministry makes rosaries for the foreign missions. Supplies and instructions are provided. This group meets one Tuesday each month at 9 a.m.
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads men and women to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to the needy and suffering in Somonauk and surrounding communities in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.
Contact: Kathleen Carr, rosarymaker@stjbsom.org312-303-0869, ST. VINCENT DE PAUL

320 S. Depot Street ∙ PO Box 276 ∙ Somonauk, IL 60552 Phone: 815-498-2010 ∙ www.stjbsom.org ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Catholic Church Please keep until Fall 2023 Every member of this parish family has been called by God to be here, in this time and in this place, for a reason — to be loved by Him and to love Him and others in return. He has given us Love itself in the Eucharist. Let us love Him in return with our Time, our Talents, and our Treasure. Please bring your Commitment Card to Mass on September 24/25 or mail it using the envelope provided. Completing your card is an important part of being an active member of St. John the Baptist. YOUR COMMITMENT TO Stewardship