MAR/ APR 20 2 2
St. John the Baptist CATHOLIC CHURCH
In this Issue: 2
S tewardship and Lent: How The Wise Men’s Gifts Symbolize Our Lenten Obligations
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The Joy of Lent
Journeying With
The Easter Basket Blessing: Looking Forward to a Cherished Parish Tradition
Lent and Easter Schedule
Join Fellow Parishioners for Our Upcoming Lenten Mission Eucharistic Miracles, Sacred Cloths of the Passion and Life After Life
Christ Through the Stations of the Cross
“We Unite Ourselves With the Cross”
ent is an opportunity to recollect ourselves and take a closer look at the priorities in our lives. Fr. Butler points out that our lives are a battle between the voices of the world and the voice of God. Through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, we can silence the voices of the world and give ourselves over to the love and the voice of God. “Lent is a time to try to clear all of that,” Fr. Butler says. “It’s different from other times in the year because our focus is on the Passion. We are focused on the cross and on love because the cross is the definition of love. We unite ourselves with the cross, and then our fasting and sacrifices are a little bit easier because we unite ourselves to Christ.” The pillars of Lent are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, but what do those pillars really mean for our Lenten journey? In our parish and in parishes across the world, we are all experiencing this time of growth together. “During Lent, we try to increase our quality and quantity of prayer,” Fr. Butler says. “Our human nature reviles sacrifice and fasting, but it’s like lifting weights — no pain, no gain. We know it’s good for us.” During Lent, it’s important to take small steps towards God and towards holiness. This means pushing ourselves to do what is hard. Prayer is the time that we give to God. If we allow ourselves to be continued on page 5