As Scripture tells us in the Gospel of Matthew, when we help or serve others who are less fortunate than us, we are loving Christ Himself. When we take an extra moment to smile at someone, or bring them dinner during a rough time, we are telling that person that they are “good,” and that we love and appreciate them as fellow children of God.
Hospitality — being friendly and welcoming—is one of the foremost hallmarks of a stewardship parish. One of the simplest ways that we can show others the love of God is by helping them feel wanted, valuable and welcome. At St. Jude, we want our members to feel like they belong to a friendly community, so that they can become engaged in the life of the Church. In keeping with this goal, our theme for this year’s Stewardship Renewal is “Welcoming Christ.”
Welcoming Christ
This year, during our Stewardship Renewal, take a minute to reexamine yourself. Do you spend time in daily prayer? Can you make a concrete effort to help another person — be it a longtime friend or a new parishioner — feel wanted and appreciated? Will you give of your finances, one of your most valuable commodities, so that God can bless you and others?

“And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’”
— Matthew 25:40
The Mass is the highest prayer of the Church, and should also be the high point of our week. Consider making it your top priority to never miss a Sunday liturgy.

STEWARDSHIP OF TIME Spending Time With God In Prayer
Each person needs to spend time with God one-on-one. A daily heart-to-heart conversation with Christ is the key to personal spiritual growth. Pope Francis encourages Catholics to spend 10 minutes each day in prayerful reflection. In addition, resources for prayer can be found at usccb.org/bible/readings or on Catholic phone and tablet apps, such as iBreviary, Magnificat or Divine Office. Family Prayer “The family that prays together stays together.” Choose times each day to pray with your spouse and children: bedtime prayers, a Scripture verse at mealtimes, or a decade of the Rosary on the way to school or work.
We, as a community of faith, must remember that we cannot give what we do not have. In order for us to welcome others into the life of the Church, we first need to make sure that our spiritual lives are properly in order. To become a more prayerful person, take inventory of how you spend the 168 hours in the week. Are you taking time to talk to God in prayer, to speak with Him as you would a friend? Are you seeking His truth through reading the Scriptures? Will you make Him first on your priority list so that you are able to give to others from the graces He has given you?
Personal Prayer
Community Prayer
Following the example Christ set for us, we strive to offer ourselves in service to others. Every day, we have the choice to serve or to sit back; to get involved or be self-involved. This year, is God calling you to do more for others through service? As the pages of this book attest, there are dozens of opportunities throughout the year to serve others, educate our children, reach out to the needy, and much more. Your participation is welcome. Let’s work together to build a welcoming community as we serve God and one another.
Family Formation Our children learn about God and prepare for the sacraments from their parents and the community, thanks to the hard work of our Family Formation catechists. Will you use your gifts to help support our young families by walking beside children as they grow in their relationship with Christ? Parish Life Our parish has a lot of ministries and means by which you can serve others, from ushering to cooking to community outreach. What means of service inspire you the most? Where is your conscience stirring, inviting you to get involved in our parish ministries to serve God and His people?
Serving In Ministry

Generous Financial Support TREASURE
Challenge Yourself If you know you should increase your level of giving, but find it difficult to do so, challenge yourself: “How much do I spend every month on entertainment and eating out? Does my spending reflect the priority of God in my life?”

Christian discipleship requires that we put Christ first in every aspect of our lives, including our finances. Are you grateful to God that you are employed? Do you recognize the blessings the Lord has bestowed on you financially? How will you commit to giving back to the Lord a portion of your income? As you discern the amount of your gift, remember that God calls us to give from our “first fruits,” not from our leftovers. Ask for the grace to put God first in your finances. At St. Jude, we give to God according to the scriptural “tithe”, which literally means 10% of one’s harvest or income. Each family is encouraged to break up the tithe as follows: 5% through the parish offertory 1% to the archdiocese 4% to other charitable causes
If you’re unable to give the full biblical tithe right now, assess what percentage you can give, and then move up by 1% or 2% increments each year until you can reach the full 10%.

6 2022
This committee is responsible for monitoring, maintaining and improving the facilities and parish grounds. The committee meets several times each year to discuss major parish projects, review contracts and bids, meet with vendors and ensure plans are in place to maintain our parish facilities. The group will work closely with the parish Buildings & Grounds Manager to provide input and support in keeping our parish running smoothly.
Contact: Jay jerickson03@comcast.netErickson,
The Stewardship Committee helps the pastor guide the development of stewardship within the parish. The first duties of committee members are to educate themselves and to live as good Christian stewards. The committee also seeks ways to promote stewardship within the parish through yearround communication and special initiatives, and most importantly, by supporting the
Contact: Mark geigerm@finishmaster.comGeiger,
• Ministry Assessment & Evaluation • Strategic/Long Range Planning
Contact: Fr. Peter pmarshall@stjudeindy.orgMarshall,
The Parish Pastoral Council establishes the Mission Statement of St. Jude Parish. Under the leadership of the pastor, this consultative body provides the overall direction and policymaking for the parish. The council is comprised of eight (8) at-large members, with commissioners and parish staff members engaging on an as-needed basis. The Parish Pastoral Council meets six (6) times per year, and members are asked to attend a minimum of four (4) meetings, while working on subcommittees between meetings. In order to more effectively assist the pastor and the larger parish community, the Parish Pastoral Council will be organized into three (3) permanent sub-committees:
This committee evaluates the financial condition of the parish by reviewing all parish revenues, expenses and assets. This ensures that the mission, values and goals set by the Pastoral Council may be achieved.
• Parish Assessment & Evaluation
These sub-committees will focus on assisting the pastor and the parish community with ongoing assessment of who we are, what we are doing well, and how God might be inviting us to move into the future.
2022 MINISTRY LISTINGS continued
7 annual Stewardship Renewal. The committee has both an advisory role and an active role in developing stewardship within the parish.
Contact: Tom twellman94@yahoo.comWellman,
The lector ministry is responsible for proclamation of the Old and New Testament readings during the Liturgy of the Word. This ministry calls forth those who will prepare and proclaim God’s Word in a manner that is inspiring and on page 8
We are ALL called by God in multiple ways. God has a plan for every aspect of our lives, and God’s plan is ALWAYS the best plan! We pray for the wisdom to discern God’s plan for our lives and for the courage to follow that plan, wherever it may lead us. The purpose of the Vocations Committee is to heighten awareness and understanding within the parish community concerning vocations by promoting prayer for vocations, educational opportunities regarding vocations, and appreciation for current and future priests, brothers, consecrated religious, married couples, and single persons.
Contact: Marie mariefrey04@gmail.comFrey,
This ministry is primarily devoted to creating an environment that emphasizes the particular Church season and special Liturgy celebrations. Worship is enhanced with banners and artwork, plants and flowers, and rotating liturgical linens. This ministry also strives to provide a clean and inviting environment where we can come together to worship and praise God.

Contacts: Janelyn janelynkulik@gmail.comKulik, and Paul Sahm, paul@sahm.net
Extraordinary Ministers assist with distribution of the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ during Eucharistic celebrations. Those who wish to help distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass are given a short training session and are commissioned before serving. This ministry is open to all adult Catholics in full communion with the Church and any students who have been confirmed.
Contact: Stacy schaney219@gmail.comChaney, VOCATIONS COMMITTEE
Mass Coordinators prepare the church by ensuring that the doors are unlocked, the lights are on and that the worship space is ready for the celebration of Mass. They ensure that the ambo is set with the lectionary, announcements, and Prayers of the Faithful. The Mass Coordinators also prepare the altar for the Eucharist, which includes checking the Tabernacle and filling the Communion bowls, setting the priest’s chalice and hand washing table, and arranging the essential items on the credence table. An essential element is confirming that the ministries are secure with volunteers and communicating any changes, updates or special considerations for their positions. During Mass, the Mass Coordinator remains in the back of the church ready to assist wherever needed. Following the celebration, the Mass Coordinator straightens up the Altar, cleans the Communion bowls and chalice, and straightens the worship space. If a Sacristan is present, the Mass Coordinator provides instruction and guidance as needed. Mass Coordinator procedures are provided, which includes more detailed information to assist in the position.
Contact: Joyce catalino135@comcast.netCatalino,
meaningful to these participating in the Liturgy. For those who are interested in sharing God’s Word and making the readings come alive for the congregation, this ministry is for you.
Mass Greeters are a part of the Hospitality Committee. Greeters offer a warm welcome as people enter the doors to celebrate the Eucharist. For some people, this could be the first smile or only smile of the day. Please join us in helping make St. Jude a welcoming community for all.
Contact: Michael michaellarmour@gmail.comLarmour,
Contact: Betty Lou blrowe21@gmail.comRowe,
A master of ceremony assists the celebrant, concelebrating priests, and deacons to encourage the faithful to participate in the Liturgy more fully and actively. An MC facilitates this purpose at all stages of the Liturgy, beginning with planning and carrying through the performance and conclusion of the rite. In doing so, an MC must be familiar not only with the rite itself but must also have a firm command of the roles of all ministers participating in the Liturgy so as to best be able to coordinate and guide the course of the Liturgy from its beginning through its completion.
Contact: Deacon Dave Henn, dmhenn@gmail.com
High school-aged boys or girls are invited to serve as Sacristans, also known as Assistant Mass

Contact: Mike mpowell@stjudeindy.orgPowell,
Coordinators. The sacristan helps prepare the church and ensure readiness for the celebration of the Mass — tasks include, but are not limited to, placing the chalice, paten, ciborium, purificators, etc. on the credence table, assuring the lights are on, tracking the lay ministers to ensure all spots are filled, assisting with cleaning up after Mass, and other important behindthe-scenes tasks. Comprehensive training is provided, and once trained, you will start as an Assistant Mass Coordinator, working under the guidance of an adult Mass Coordinator until you are confident and comfortable working on your own.
Traditional and Contemporary Christian music is used during our Liturgies. There are various opportunities of involvement for all ages such as cantors, choirs, ensembles and instrumentalists.

Servers have the privilege of assisting the priest during the Mass. Boys and girls are trained as early as fifth grade at St. Jude and may continue to serve for as long as they want. Although we usually see our grade school students serving, we encourage our servers to continue through high school. Lead servers are more experienced servers who are expected to be especially familiar with the ordinary ceremonies of the Mass, as well as any special requirements that may arise from time to time, handling incense when it is used, and arranging the sacred vessels on the altar for the Liturgy of the Eucharist when the deacon is not present.
Music is a special form of prayer. It sets the mood of the liturgical celebration and provides an inviting call to the parish to participate. The goal of our Music Ministry is to promote the full, active and conscious participation of all the faithful into the prayer that is Liturgy. This ministry is always looking for additional people who love to praise our Lord in song through singing or playing an instrument.
Contact: Deacon Dave Henn, dmhenn@gmail.com
Contact: Betty Lou blrowe21@gmail.comRowe,
Contact: Kris kchaney@stjudeindy.orgChaney,
The St. Jude Prayer Line is a group of parishioners who pray for fellow parishioners or their relatives and friends in need. There are no meetings. This ministry can be done in your home, at work, in your car, wherever, and whenever you pray. As we receive intentions, we will email them to you. While you say your daily prayers, remember those for whom we have been asked to pray.
Contact: Bill bkidwell@stjudeindy.orgKidwell, LITURGY SPIRITUAL&LIFE
The Ushers assist with seating, collecting offerings, and assuring the smooth flow of people who receive Holy Communion. They also distribute the bulletins after Mass and tend to any other details that may need attention at our liturgical celebrations and are on hand for emergencies.
Contact: Joan joanecahill@gmail.comCahill,
Contact: Jeff jtaylor14@att.netTaylor,and Cary roncallibaseball@yahoo.comDavis,
Contact: Joe Ruf, jruf@stjudeindy.org
Our Youth Ministry strives to offer a welcoming and loving community to all youth members while challenging them to live heroic lives of virtue. We have some great things happening, and we’d love for you to be a part of it!
Eucharistic Adoration is the giving of your time to Jesus, present in the Eucharist. It is a special time that one can spend with the Lord for personal confession, penance, praise and petition. Eucharistic Adoration not only strengthens our parish family, but it helps us to focus on the important events in our journey through life.
The CYO is dedicated to providing an athletic program for the children of St. Jude. The program strives to enhance our children’s spiritual, mental and physical development. Adult leaders are needed to serve as logistical coordinators and ministry coordinators for each sport.
Antioch is our High School youth group. Our goal is to lead you closer to Christ while having fun and building community. Please sign up for this ministry if you are an adult interested in joining the Core Team or helping out with special events. Prospective high school attendees do NOT need to sign up via the commitment card.
Impact is an annual event for incoming 8th grade St. Jude School students aimed at developing Catholic leaders of character who are empowered to go back to their parish and school to implement mission plans as servant leaders. Please sign up for this ministry if you are an adult or high school-aged youth interested in volunteering at this camp. Prospective 8th grade attendees do NOT need to sign up via the commitment card.
The youth mission trip is an annual summer event open to all incoming high school students. Information regarding date, continued on page 12
Contact: Joe Ruf, jruf@stjudeindy.org
Catalyst is an annual event for incoming 5th and 6th grade students aimed at getting campers comfortable with different ways to pray, introduce them to service, and engage in community through social events.
The CYYAM serves as the advocating voice for the youth and young adults of the St. Jude Catholic Community, ensuring ministry is provided which fosters and nurtures the spiritual, physical, emotional, and social development of all youth and young adults, and leading them to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ as lived out in the Catholic Faith Community. This body is organized to oversee the accountability of programming developed by Youth Ministry staff, to provide fundraising support, and to assist with volunteer coordination and event planning.
Contact: Joe Ruf, jruf@stjudeindy.org
Contact: Beth haggenjos04@gmail.comHaggenjos,
Food Allergy Families is a resource group for St. Jude Parish as well as a support group for any St. Jude families living with food allergies. We hope to increase awareness of food allergies at the parish and increase safety for anyone with food allergies attending school and events at St. Jude. This ministry is seeking new leadership, as well as new committee members.
Contact: Joe Ruf, jruf@stjudeindy.org
Ignite is our Junior High youth group for seventh and eighthgraders. Our goal is to lead you closer to Christ while having fun and building community. Please sign up for this ministry if you are an adult or high school-aged youth interested in joining the Core Team or helping out with special events. Prospective junior high attendees do NOT need to sign up via the commitment card.
Contact: Christie christiedenzer@yahoo.comDenzer, IGNITE
Young Adult Ministry will be run as a combined Indianapolis South Deanery effort beginning in Fall 2022. Programming targets those in the 21-35 age range. Please reach out if you would like to get involved!
Contact: Joe Ruf, jruf@stjudeindy.org
NCYC is a bi-annual event held in downtown Indianapolis during which Catholic youth from around the country convene to share their faith in community. Information regarding date and registration is made available once released by the event organizers. Please sign up for this ministry if you are an adult interested in serving as an adult mentor for NCYC. Prospective high school-aged attendees do NOT need to sign up via the commitment card.
Contact: Joe Ruf, jruf@stjudeindy.org
WELCOMING CHRIST locations, and registration is made available once received by the hosting organization, typically in late-winter/early-spring. Please sign up for this ministry if you are an adult interested in serving as an adult mentor for the mission trip. Prospective high school-aged attendees do NOT need to sign up via the commitment card.
Contact: Joe Ruf, jruf@stjudeindy.org
Summer Dayz is an annual event for incoming 7th grade St. Jude School students and incoming 7th and 8th grade Township students aimed at helping campers recognize their gifts and talents through small groups, witness talks, and social events. Please sign up for this ministry if you are an adult or high school-aged youth interested in volunteering at this camp. Prospective attendees do NOT need to sign up via the commitment card.
Contact: Joe Ruf, jruf@stjudeindy.org
OBOC is a liturgical leadership camp designed to deepen the faith lives of those high schoolers who have shown leadership in ministry to their parish. Typical attendees include Mass Coordinators and Sacristans, Masters of Ceremony, Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors, and other similar ministry positions.
Contact: Joe Ruf, jruf@stjudeindy.org
Cherub Church is our Sunday preschool program, currently offered during the 10 a.m. Mass. From the moment your child arrives, they will be engaged in interactive activities. Our awesome adult and teen volunteers teach Bible stories through art, games and music to help children connect with the story of God. Cherub Church is offered to children ages 3 through kindergarten, during the school year with short breaks for TRIP
The Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a program designed to adapt the Liturgy of the Word to children’s understanding. The children are dismissed at the start of Mass to share the Good News of Jesus. Children hear an age-appropriate proclamation of God’s Word and participate in an interactive homily. They return to the Mass during the Preparation of the Gifts. Adult and high schoolaged facilitators are needed.
13 2022 MINISTRY LISTINGS holidays and Christmas. Children of appropriate age are welcome to join Cherub Church any time of the year, regardless of how often they participate. There is no fee for this program and no registration required. Please sign up for this ministry if you are an adult or high school/junior high-aged youth interested in volunteering at Cherub Church. Prospective attendees do NOT need to sign up via the commitment card.
Contact: Tammy tstewart@stjudeindy.orgStewart,
“Ordinary people sharing life and faith regularly” is what Circles are all about. In the large church setting, many people often feel disconnected from the pulse of the parish. They want their faith life to be more than just Sunday worship and look for ways to connect what they pray and learn at Mass with their everyday life. Although this may seem like an impossible task when there are so many people in a parish like St. Jude, Circles are designed to do just that.
Contact: Tammy tstewart@stjudeindy.orgStewart,

Family Formation is a family-based catechetical program that helps families to grow in the transforming love of God by understanding and living the Catholic faith. Through weekly home lessons, Family Formation helps parents pass on the Catholic faith to their children and grow in faith and holiness. This model enables parents to be “the primary educators in the faith” (General Directory for Catechesis 255). Students in Grades K-8 meet in classes, divided by grade level, where trained catechists present the lessons. Parents gather as a separate group where they are catechized, encouraged and equipped.
Contact: Tammy tstewart@stjudeindy.orgStewart,
Contact: Tammy tstewart@stjudeindy.orgStewart,
Contact: Tammy tstewart@stjudeindy.orgStewart,
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process for those adults who are not baptized Catholic or who are not in full communion with the Catholic Church but have a desire to learn about it and embrace the Catholic faith. It formally begins in September with an introductory meeting, and then continues with weekly meetings through Easter. Weekly gatherings offer time for inquiry, discussion, sharing, and spiritual reflection. During Advent and Lent, there are special rites during weekend Masses in which to participate. This leads to the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. We warmly welcome anyone interested in becoming involved in this vital program. Volunteers from the parish serve on the planning team and offer support and hospitality.
WELCOMING CHRIST MINISTRY OF MOTHERS SHARING (MOMS) This ministry welcomes you to a personal journey for mothers. The program sessions create in women an awareness of the inner sacred self and teaches them new ways to inspire, encourage and affirm each other. momsgroupstjude@gmail.comContact:
The Parish Nursery provides parents with care for their children so they can enjoy active participation in Mass. The nursery is for children ages infant to 2 years at the 10 a.m. Mass during the school year with short breaks for holidays and Christmas. Children of appropriate age are welcome to join the nursery any time of the year, regardless of how often they participate. There is no fee for this program. Please sign up for this ministry if you are an adult or high school/junior high-aged youth interested in volunteering in the nursery.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Children, RCIC, is a conversion process for children of catechetical age (third grade) whose parents wish them to be initiated into the Catholic Church. This process involves regular meetings led by a designated catechist and usually with other children to learn about the Church’s teachings. These sessions are designed and scheduled based on families’ needs each year and usually culminate with entry into the Church at the Easter Vigil. Parents must be registered members of the parish or participating in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This program is also appropriate for older children who were baptized as infants but who have not continued their
Contact: Caryn chudspeth@stjudeindy.orgHudspeth,
Spiritual direction is a relationship between a trained director and another person (directee). The directee is someone who desires to grow in relationship with God and to find deeper meaning of life so that they can grow more fully in God’s presence. We have a couple of Spiritual Directors who are members of the parish, as well as a dedicated space in the parish center for directors and directees to meet.
Contact: Tammy tstewart@stjudeindy.orgStewart,
Contact: Tammy tstewart@stjudeindy.orgStewart,
Contact: Tammy tstewart@stjudeindy.orgStewart,
15 2022 MINISTRY LISTINGS formation and made Reconciliation or their First Communion.
Contact: Caryn chudspeth@stjudeindy.orgHudspeth,
Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we become part of the family of God and members of our St. Jude Parish faith community. Participation in the parent formation program “Embracing Christ and His Parish” is required for parents wishing to have a child baptized. This class will clarify the roles of parents, godparents, and the various symbols that are used within the baptismal ceremony. Baptismal families need to be active, registered members of the parish.
In the Church’s Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, through the ministry of the priest, it is Jesus who touches the sick to heal them from sin — and sometimes even from physical ailment. There is no need to wait until a person is at the point of death to receive the Sacrament; a careful judgment about the serious nature of the illness is sufficient. To request Anointing, please contact the Parish Office; the priest’s emergency line may be accessed through the automated system in case of emergency.
This is a fun and faith-filled annual week-long summer program for children. Look for announcements and additional details in the Spring. Please sign up for this ministry if you are an adult or high school/ junior high-aged youth interested in volunteering at VBS. Prospective attendees do NOT need to sign up via the commitment card.
Multiple groups are formed each semester to study and reflect on Scripture. The aim is to foster spiritual growth through prayer, discussion and faith sharing. The meetings include Scripture study, faith sharing, and catechesis about our Catholic faith.
Contact: Parish Office, 317-786-4371
Contact: Tammy tstewart@stjudeindy.orgStewart,
The Sacrament of Marriage is a holy covenant whereby a couple is joined on their life’s journey by God to bless, sustain, and rejoice in their union. At St. Jude, we celebrate the vocation of marriage by offering our guidance and encouragement to supporting a couple in their preparation for this sacrament and commitment of life. Because the vows taken in the Sacrament of Marriage involve a lifelong commitment to one another, the church offers as much counseling as possible to help the couple take these vows.
Contact: Caryn chudspeth@stjudeindy.orgHudspeth,
New parishioners often feel overwhelmed trying to get acclimated to the parish. Encounter is a new and radical process that involves welcoming new members and helping them to get familiarized with the parish, involved in ministries, and supported by a Circle. The Encounter team
The Sacrament of Confirmation completes the initiation of faith for Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist. Primary formation for this sacrament takes place during a parishioner’s eighth-grade year. A young person must be a baptized Catholic to be eligible for eighth grade Confirmation. Students enrolled in St. Jude School are being offered Confirmation prep during their religion classes. Students who attend public schools are offered Confirmation through a home program with large group gatherings four times throughout the year. Contact: Caryn chudspeth@stjudeindy.orgHudspeth,
Contact: Patti pcollins@stjudeindy.orgCollins,
At St. Jude, second grade is the usual year for preparation for First Holy Communion. To receive the Sacrament of Eucharist, regular attendance in a formal religious education program, such as Family Formation, St. Jude School, or verified homeschooling program, as well as participation in parish reflections offered at the parish is asked of parents in order to have their make their First Holy Communion. Contact: Tammy tstewart@stjudeindy.orgStewart,
According to archdiocese guidelines, children must be prepared for the Sacrament of Reconciliation before the Sacrament of Eucharist. Preparation begins in September of the second-grade year for the students enrolled in St. Jude School, the Family Formation Program or approved homeschooling program.
Hi! Welcome! We are glad you are here! St. Jude Parish wants to make sure every person who comes to our parish hears those words and knows that we mean it. The goal of the Hospitality Committee is to ensure that parishioners new and old feel welcome and motivated to engage in the many aspects of Catholic life available to them here at St. Jude.
2022 MINISTRY LISTINGS is made up of people from all walks of life who reach out and walk beside new members.
Contact: Tammy tstewart@stjudeindy.orgStewart,
Contact: Lucy lebedwell@sbcglobal.netBedwell,
Contact: Michael michaellarmour@gmail.comLarmour,
The Festival is our major social event and fundraiser each year, and each year our parish sets aside a weekend in June to give of its time, talent, and treasure generously and wholeheartedly. This is truly a cooperative undertaking by hundreds of parishioners. The tasks range from very large to very small and are suited for young and old alike. It is a time to become reacquainted with people you haven’t seen for some time and an opportunity to welcome new members in a social atmosphere. It is a time for families to share food, games and each other’s company. And along with all of this, the festival helps put a little extra money in the bank for future needs of the parish. Please sign up for this continued on page 18
Do you appreciate seeing a beautiful, well-maintained landscape when you enter our St. Jude campus? If you enjoy gardening and giving glory to God by caring for His creation, please consider volunteering for this ministry! Working with our Buildings and Grounds Committee, we will assist in trimming shrubs, weeding, edging, dividing perennials, spreading mulch, and other needed tasks around the St. Jude campus. Whether you have half an hour while waiting in line to pick up your kids from school or are retired and have many hours to give, we would welcome your help!
The St. Jude Men’s Club is a diverse group of men, dedicated to the betterment of our school, parish, community, and Church. During our monthly meetings, we discuss ideas and actions supporting our families, school, parish, and community. Meetings are typically held on the first Thursday of the month, with Rosary at 7:30pm, meeting at 8:00pm. Through service projects and philanthropy, there are opportunities to meet new people, get to know other parishioners and be aware of parish current events..
Contact: Brian fmxdjs@sbcglobal.netMorris,
WELCOMING CHRIST ministry if you are an adult or high school-aged youth interested in taking on a more active leadership role in planning and executing the Festival. Prospective shift workers at the Festival do NOT need to sign up via the commitment card.
Contact: Jeff jwilson1880@yahoo.comWilson,
Contact: https://mygs.girlscouts.org/ (no local St. Jude troop at present)
Contact: Nick haggenjos04@gmail.comHaggenjos,
Contact: Scott scottcstrother@gmail.comStrother,
Once parents obtain access to the Pack Calendar on the website, it is simple to see when Den and Pack meeting activities will occur.
Cub Scouts – The purpose of the program is to have fun while helping the youth develop character, their association with the community at large and their spiritual awareness. Boys and girls are divided into Dens based on grade level or age. Each Den is led by adult volunteers who are position-specific trained, and youthprotection trained. Each Den has the ultimate goal to earn a rank in Cub Scouts; activities are directed to accomplish these advancements. First-graders earn Tiger; secondgraders earn Wolf; third-graders earn Bear, and fourth and fifthgraders work to earn Webelos and the Arrow of Light. A scout can join scouting at any level. There are also specific religious awards that can be achieved in the Pack through the Catholic Committee on Scouting such as the Parvuli Dei and Light of Christ. Dens can meet at different times and places based on the families involved. However, most Dens meet on Monday night at the school cafeteria about every two weeks, unless they are doing special activities offsite.
Girl Scouts – It’s all about fun, friends and fantastic opportunities. Girl Scouting is for every girl, everywhere — where today’s girls can become tomorrow’s leaders. Membership in Girl Scouts is open to girls in grades K-12. Girls join a troop for fun and friendship, but they also find out about building character and self-esteem and serving their communities — the core qualities of Girl Scouting. In Girl Scouts, girls find a safe place to grow and share new experiences, learn to relate to others, develop values, and contribute to society.
Scouts BSA – Scouts BSA is a program offered through the Boy Scouts of America and is the traditional Scouting experience for youth in the fifth grade through high school. Service, camping, community engagement, and leadership development become increasingly important parts of the program as youth work their way toward earning Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout.
The mission of the Women’s Club is to unite women of St. Jude Parish by providing opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership and service through recreational, educational and charitable activities. The Women’s Club generally typically meets the second Thursday of every month on campus or at a fun offsite location. Our gatherings are open to all women of the parish 21 years
St. Jude Parish is pleased to have Young at Heart, a group for anyone 55 or older. This group makes up nearly a quarter of our parish and we want to offer opportunities in our community to be active, make new friends, and share our lives. We host monthly gatherings for lunch, games, speakers, planning, etc., and offering a day trip to somewhere fun and interesting.
If you are interested in helping your fellow parishioners during difficult times, then this ministry needs you! We facilitate Monthly Bereavement Support gatherings are held for those families who have experienced the death of a loved one. The ministry also plans the annual All Souls Day Mass and reception for all those families who have lost a loved one during the past year.
Contact: Patti pcollins@stjudeindy.orgCollins,
Contact: Pat patttrn@yahoo.com;Delph, Joe Abella, jfabell@sbcglobal.net
This is a group that lends their time and talent to taking on small projects around the parish grounds while enjoying some fellowship with other hammer and wrench wielding parishioners. Such projects might include small painting projects, hanging doors or trim, changing out plugs and switches, performing some minor plumbing, building storage shelves or any other number of parish maintenance projects that their talents, abilities and expertise can tackle.
Contact: Phil philagresta@sbcglobal.netAgresta,
of age and older. We begin with a prayer, sometimes we conduct a little business, then we have some kind of fun activity planned. Past activities have included Pilates, craft night, card/game night, Pampering Night, and wine tasting.
Contact: Robin robinuberta@hotmail.comUberta,

Contact: Patti pcollins@stjudeindy.orgCollins,
Contact: Patti pcollins@stjudeindy.orgCollins,
This very special ministry provides a number of services to the homebound, including the delivery of Holy Communion to those unable to attend Mass, providing transportation to Mass and other appointments, and providing regular mailings (e.g. greeting cards, parish bulletin, etc.). It also provides
Surviving Divorce: Hope and Healing for the Catholic Family is a 12week program for those seeking support through a divorce, while learning how to rebuild their lives and experience Christ’s love and wisdom through the Church. This program will be offered for the first time here at St. Jude in Fall 2022.
Contact: Patti pcollins@stjudeindy.orgCollins,
This new ministry is responsible for setup and clean-up of the Narthex before and after visitations, as well as general hospitality while onsite. Procedures and training will be provided to volunteers willing to work shifts before, during, and after visitations. A leader is also needed for this new ministry; this leader will ultimately serve as the primary trainer for ministry volunteers and ensure all needed shifts are covered for each visitation.
Are you juggling the challenges of life, health, career and caring for an aging parent, grandparent, or spouse, in town or at a distance? The St. Jude Caring for Others Group provides family caregivers practical and emotional supports, useful tools, and shared experiences, all with a Christ-centered view. Discover the blessings that come from caring for another.
Contact: Patti pcollins@stjudeindy.orgCollins,
Parishioners can pre-plan or plan for a loved one’s funeral. Funeral packets are available in the Parish Office and can be completed and stored there for future use. When a death occurs, family members are suddenly faced with many tasks and decisions that must be handled. We stand ready to help you through this difficult process.
St. Jude Parish has an active Our Journey of Hope cancer care ministry. Our heart is to comfort, serve, and encourage men, women, and families that are fighting cancer. Practical support and spiritual care are provided to all those impacted by cancer.
Contact: Patti pcollins@stjudeindy.orgCollins,
Contact: Patti pcollins@stjudeindy.orgCollins,
The St. Jude Meals Ministry exists to serve those parishioners who could use a few dinners each week for a temporary time period. Whether it is welcoming a new baby, moving to a new house, undergoing cancer treatment, or having surgery, this ministry can provide dinners for you and your family. Just let us know which nights and for how many weeks. We will do the rest!
The Mental Health Support ministry aims to serve those in our parish community who are struggling with mental health issues like depression, fear, anxiety, etc. This program, provided by the archdiocesan Office of Human Life & Dignity, is facilitated by a counselor with one to two peer assistants. The program consists of six weekly sessions, lasting around 90 minutes each, and is open to approximately 8-10 attendees per session.
Contact: Andrea ammorelli@msn.comMorelli,
21 2022 MINISTRY LISTINGS an opportunity to bring a friendly “hello” and word of encouragement to members of our St. Jude community who may not be able to visit with friends as they once did.
Contact: Patti pcollins@stjudeindy.orgCollins,
Contact: Patti pcollins@stjudeindy.orgCollins,
The purpose of this ministry is to help faith community members maintain and/or regain health and wholeness, physically, mentally and spiritually. This is done through health promotion activities, as well as individual counseling, sharing resources, and referrals. At St. Jude, some health promotion activities include monthly blood pressure screening, CPR training, Safe Sitter classes for middle school students, and providing first aid services at the festival and Vacation Bible School. Promotion of health information programs encourage parishioners to practice good health habits, including preventative screenings. Increased awareness of health issues leads to empathy toward those dealing with illness and chronic disease and the need to support those fellow parishioners through deeds and prayer. Persons with a medical continued on page 22
When a death occurs, family members are suddenly faced with many tasks and decisions that must be handled. One way we can minister to families dealing with the loss of a loved one is to offer them a gathering place and a meal after the funeral services. Please let us know if you can be called upon to donate an item or assist with serving the meal.
Each spring and fall, St. Jude hosts a blood drive conducted by the staff of the Central Indiana Regional Blood Center. The blood drive is held right here on campus, making it very convenient for parishioners to schedule a donation appointment time and “give the gift of life.” Anyone 17 years of age or older, in good health, including many of those who take prescription medications, can safely donate blood every 56 days. In addition to those who can donate blood, volunteers also schedule donation appointments, PARISH NURSING (continued)
St. Jude Parish provides breakfast to the homeless in downtown Indianapolis the first Saturday of the month. Donations of food and volunteers are requested to cook and serve. Please join us in this ongoing worthwhile project to help those in need.
Contact: Linda lindas4218@att.netSanderson,
Contact: Pat patttrn@yahoo.comDelph,
background are needed to screen blood pressures and provide first aid; however, anyone with an interest in promoting health is welcome to join this ministry. New ideas are always welcome!
Contact: Chuck croach@croachlaw.comRoach,
Contact: Pat Delph, RN, patttrn@yahoo.com
The Prayer Shawl Ministry makes prayer shawls or lap blankets for people suffering from illness as a reminder that their parish community is praying for them. Janet Bristow, co-founder of the prayer shawl/prayer cloth ministry writes, “Shawls... made for centuries universal and embracing, symbolic of an inclusive, unconditionally loving, God. They wrap, enfold, comfort, cover, give solace, mother, hug, shelter and beautify. Those who have received these shawls have been uplifted and affirmed, as if given wings to fly above their troubles...” We are also seeking donations of materials to aid our ministry. If anyone has yarn that needs a good home, please contact Pat or the Parish Office. We will put it to good use.
The Widow/Widower Support ministry aims to serve those in our parish community who have lost a spouse. The initial focus of this group is social, with a quarterly luncheon held for the widows and widowers. This luncheon may also include guest speakers on topics of interest to the group, if desired. Widows and widowers will also be encouraged to form Circles, which will meet regularly for fellowship.
Contact: Emily lehnerem@sbcglobal.netLehner,
Sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society, this program is an ongoing project to help those in need move from just getting by to getting ahead. A truly gratifying way to spend your time and talents, this important program thrives because of volunteers like you who can offer encouragement, patience, good listening skills and a giving heart. Facilitators will lead discussion as class progresses through the program workbooks and materials. Subject matter experts share knowledge of specific areas such as finances, health and fitness, job search strategies, education and other topics of need. Mentors provide practical support and encouragement to a program participant for 12-16 months after graduation. Food coordinators bring meals made by parishioners to one or more workshop sessions.
Our annual giving tree is set up yearly in the Church Narthex the last weekend in November and first weekend of December. Snowflake doilies will be on the tree with gift items to be purchased. On the reverse side of the doilies, will be a pre-printed gift tag to be put face-up on the wrapped gift before returning it to church. Please sign up if you are interested in joining the planning team for this ministry or if you would like to assist with delivery of gifts. Parishioners planning to participate through purchase of gifts from the giving tree do NOT need to sign up via the commitment card.
St. Jude Parish reaches out to others internationally through various missionaries throughout the world that come speak at our church. We consistently run a very successful Rice Bowl campaign each Lent to benefit Catholic Relief Services, and our latest initiative is to combine with Nativity Parish in Indianapolis to plan and support mission trips — most recently to Ecuador to complete construction projects. Your participation, ideas, and support will always be welcome and appreciated!
Promoting the sanctity of human life, from womb to tomb, is the purpose of this ministry. Following the teachings of the Catholic Church, activities and current educational materials are offered to the parish to take part in to encourage the community to see Christ in each individual and respect each person with all their imperfections. Life is continued on back cover
23 2022 MINISTRY LISTINGS serve juice and cookies to donors, and help with setup and cleanup.
Contact: Linda lbuckley@sjsindy.orgBuckley,
Contact: Laurent laurenteileen@yahoo.comEuzen,
Contact: Gary gms2756@aol.comSteigerwald,
our most precious gift from God. Birthline is a service for pregnant women in crisis and young mothers who have recently given birth. Through a network of volunteers, pregnant women experiencing crisis pregnancies receive immediate assistance on the telephone. Trained telephone counselors take the time to talk to the women and comfort them in their distress, while at the same time encouraging them to choose life for themselves and their unborn children. The volunteers often refer the women to outside agencies that are able to help them cope with the financial, emotional and spiritual issues that need to be addressed during a pregnancy.
Contact: Gary gms2756@aol.comStiegerwald,
5353 McFarland Rd. | Indianapolis, IN 46227 317-786-4371 | www.stjudeindy.org
The Rosary Makers of St. Jude consists of men and women who make rosaries for the missions throughout the world, helping to spread devotion to the Blessed Mother. In past years, this ministry has shipped rosaries to Sudan, Nigeria, Brazil, New Guinea, Philippines, Haiti, Turkey, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Peru, Zambia, India, and Chile. Regular meetings are held to work on rosaries while building community within the ministry; however, the rosaries are easy to make and can also be made in your leisure time at home.
Contact: Kim j.hoagland@sbcglobal.net&cookiemaker513@aol.comDolne,JeanneHoagland,
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) is an international organization of men and women joined together in spiritual growth through service to those who are in need and suffering. Believing we are all created in God’s image, we offer assistance with empathy, trust and friendship, while preserving the utmost dignity and confidentiality. The local chapter holds regular meetings, typically the second Wednesday and the fourth Sunday of each month. SVdP members do not seek recognition for their work, but see God’s recognition in the lives of those served as well as in themselves. This is truly a working group of people and a ministry of service and spirituality that provides the basic necessities and community to those most in need.
Contact: Nancy stjudeprolife@gmail.comGarrigus,
Birthline volunteers also welcome new mothers who stand in need of material assistance. A pack-n-play is located inside the front doors of the church for donations of baby items for use in this ministry.