Mass Coordinators and Sacristans Fulfilling an Essential Role for Our Priests and Parishioners
hen we attend a sporting event or concert, we often don’t think about the people who set everything up. Without their careful work, we wouldn’t have had the opportunity to enjoy the main event. Just like how the stagehands set up for a play, the St. Jude’s Mass coordinators and sacristans prepare for Mass. Mass Coordinators are responsible for all aspects of preparation for the liturgy, while Sacristans are high school-aged men and women who assist with the behind-the-scenes aspect of Mass setup. Once adequate experience and capability are demonstrated, a Sacristan may be “promoted” to a full Mass Coordinator. Betty Lou Rowe has been serving as a Mass Coordinator and also coordinating this ministry since Joan McKinley passed away in July of 2017. Joan had been doing this work, so when she passed, Betty Lou felt it was a good time for her to step up. “We didn’t know how much she did,” Betty Lou says. “Everything was flawless because of her and the work she did.” When Joan passed away, there was a time of grieving for the parish and the priest at the time, Fr. Steve Banet. As an usher, lector, and Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Betty Lou felt called to learn the tasks and take over as Mass coordinator to ease the transition. Pastoral Care Specialist Patti Collins also
Some of the Mass coordinators and sacristans — Ava Schoettle (front); (middle) Cheryl McAllen, Mary Kendall; (next row) Betty Lou Rowe, Marie Frey; (back row) Buddy Schlenz
stepped up to do a lot of this work. “That’s the beauty of this parish — when someone needs something, people look for ways to help,” Betty Lou says. This is a ministry that keeps busy, so Mass coordinator is the perfect title. The job description is to make sure everything is set and ready for weekday or weekend Mass. The Mass coordinator arrives early, checks the altar and the number of consecrated hosts in the tabernacle. They set up the bowls 7
for the priest and make sure the chalice is ready. They also check in with the various ministry members for Mass and find a replacement, if needed. Betty Lou usually handles the 7:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. if needed, she will assist at other weekend Masses, too. “We want everything to be seamless,” Betty Lou says. “We don’t want the priests to have to worry about anything. They need to be able to focus on saying the Mass and the congregation.” continued on back cover