STEWARDSHIP, A PATH TO HOLINESS Stewardship Renewal 2022
STEWARDSHIP, A PATH TO HOLINESS Jesus wants us to be happy and He wants us to be holy. In fact, holiness is required of every baptized Christian. The good news is that holiness is within our reach and a holy life is a happy life — the deep and lasting kind of “happy” that only our Lord can give. So, what is this holiness we are called to attain? It is nothing less than the call to sainthood, living our whole lives in and through Christ, and reflecting His love and goodness everywhere we go. In his Apostolic Letter, On the Call for Holiness in our Modern World, Pope Francis encourages us by speaking of the “saints next door.” When we think of holiness we need not think only of those already-canonized saints. Rather, he says, “I like to contemplate the holiness present in the patience of God’s people: In their daily perseverance, I see the holiness of the Church militant. A holiness found in our next-door neighbors, the middle class of holiness.” At St. Joseph Catholic Church, Stewardship is the path to this holiness our Lord asks of us. And our Annual Renewal is a grace-filled time to set ourselves once again on this path that will make us saints. Through a stewardship way of life, we allow Christ to permeate every aspect of our being. We invite the Holy Spirit to direct us in the use of all that the Father has given us — our Time, our Talent, and our Treasure. A stewardship way of life is a holy way of life and it leads us to the happiness we were made for.
“Do not be afraid to set your sights higher, to allow yourself to be loved and liberated by God. Do not be afraid to let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit. Holiness does not make you less human, since it is an encounter between your weakness and the power of God’s grace.” — Pope Francis
Sacred Moments Prayer and the sacraments are food for the journey to holiness. We simply can’t be saints without them! Through them we obtain the grace and daily direction we need from our Lord for holy living. By committing Time for prayer and sacraments, we pause and give back to God a portion of this most precious gift of Time — especially now in our fastpaced world. Yet it is we who are truly blessed by the giving of this gift. After time spent with God, my next priority of time should be for my family and friends, whom I am called to love and serve most intimately. • T ry reflecting each morning on the daily readings of the Catholic Church (found at to ask God what He wants to teach you in the day ahead. This can also be found in our bulletin and in “The Word Among Us” with commentary. • T ake a moment to pray in your car on the way to or from work, offering your cares and your gratitude to the Lord. This is also a good time to pray the Rosary. • A s a family, give each member a chance to say a “please,” “thank you” and “I’m sorry” prayer to God at the end of the day. End with an Our Father and Hail Mary. • I n addition to Sunday Mass, make Sunday dinner a priority as a time to reconnect with loved ones before the start of a busy week. • A t the end of the day use The Prayer Process by Matthew Kelly for a daily examination of conscience.
Sacred Service During this moment of Renewal, think about the talents the Lord has given you and your family. In gratitude, ask Him how you can use those talents to become the “saints next door,” loving others as He has first loved you. • S pend some time prayerfully reading the ministry catalog to consider an area of service that will truly stretch you or an area where you can provide a real strength. • I f you are already involved in one ministry, pray about an additional way you might serve. For instance, if you are involved in assisting with the Liturgy in some way, volunteer in an outreach to the community. • I f you are not active in a prayer or faith formation group, join one to learn how to better love and follow our Lord and His teachings.
“Do not be afraid of holiness. It will take away none of your energy, vitality or joy. On the contrary, you will become what the Father had in mind when He created you, and you will be faithful to your deepest self”.” — Pope Francis
Sacred Spending
Just as Time and Talents are gifts from God, so too, are material things, or Treasure. And just as our Time and Talents are meant to be used for our growth in holiness, the way we spend our treasure can also lead us to holiness. Does this mean we serve a “greedy” God, who wants to give, and then take back what He gives? Of course not! Anything He asks us to do is meant to make us happy in Him. Returning a portion of our treasure to the Lord teaches us to depend on Him and brings a peace and contentment the world cannot give. Will you take a leap of faith to try it and see for yourself? • T ake a look at your current budget and spending habits and assess what expenses are preventing you from giving more selflessly. • C onsider the tithe — giving 10% of your financial income to the Church or the work of Jesus. Remember Malachi 3:10: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse,… and try me in this, says the Lord of hosts: Shall I not open for you the floodgates of heaven, to pour down blessing upon you without measure?”
S T. J O S E P H C A T H O L I C C H U R C H
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Ministry Catalog
COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND Commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion visit the sick, pray with them, and bring them Holy Communion. Members who participate in this ministry are blessed as much as they bring blessings to the sick. Contact: Freddy Sierra, 813-770-4977
CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY Inspired by the mystic vision and witness of St. Faustina of Poland, special prayers and chanting and confessions are organized to celebrate the Divine Mercy. Contact: Miriam Murillo, 813-817-5746
CHARISMATIC PRAYER MINISTRY (SPANISH) The Charismatic Prayer group is HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE a gathering of parishioners for the This group ensures that our beautiful purpose of praise and worship of church is appropriately decorated for our heavenly Father, through Jesus each liturgical season. The aim is to Christ, under the guidance of the draw us into worship and to remind Holy Spirit. The meetings consist of us of the facets of Christ’s life, death prayer, song and Scripture sharing. and Resurrection that are being Contact: Alma de los Rios, celebrated in particular liturgies in 813-966-9046 the Church calendar. Contact: Sully Mata, 813-377-5423 DEVOTION TO ST. JOSEPH Since St. Joseph was the foster-father USHERS of Jesus, he was continually working The role of the usher is to be a for his family, the Holy Family. He minister of hospitality, which provided for them, protected them, includes greeting and seating and was the head of the family. “Go parishioners, helping to collect gifts to Joseph with extreme confidence, of time, talent and treasure during because I do not remember having the Preparation, guiding people to asked anything from St. Joseph, receive Communion, and passing out without having obtained it readily.” bulletins after Mass. Every Tuesday after the 7 a.m. Mass, Contact: José Guzmán, 813-640-6510 people gather to ask St. Joseph for his intercession. Contact: Joe Baker, 813-453-7169 6
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Parishioners devote one or more hours per week to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament exposed in the Chapel. Parishioners volunteer their time to pray with Jesus and be in His presence. Come, sit, kneel, pray, relax, and enjoy the sweet peace that comes from being with the One who loves you the most, Jesus. Contact: Miriam Murillo, 813-817-5746 LEGION OF MARY (SPANISH) The main purpose of the Legion of Mary is to give glory to God through the sanctification of its members through devotion to the Blessed Mother. They become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and service. Contact: Freddy Sierra, 813-770-4977
OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP DEVOTION The redemptorist fathers brought this tradition as a way to protect and promote the devotion to Our Lady of the Perpetual help entrusted by Pius IX. To continue this tradition, we pray the novena every Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. Contact: David Cartaya, 813-870-3277
Liturgy ALTAR SERVERS The ministry of altar servers is to assist the priest and deacons at Mass. Duties include assisting with incense, carrying the processional Crucifix, holding the Roman Missal, carrying the candles for the Gospel Reading, and assisting with gifts at the Offertory. Contact: Sister Sabina Chimal Itzá, 352-206-7860
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are entrusted with the special responsibility of assisting the priest and deacon in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. The function of this ministry is to ensure that the Eucharist is distributed under both the forms of bread and wine in a reverent manner. Ministers serve in the weekend liturgies. To become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, one must participate in the appropriate training sessions and periodic enrichment experiences. English Contact: Deacon Jorge Suarez, 813-833-6921 Spanish Contact: Sully Mata, 813-377-5423 LECTORS Men and women active in the practice of the faith are trained to proclaim the Sacred Scriptures, occasionally lead prayers and make announcements at Mass. Formation includes the theology and practice of effective proclamation. Lectors commit to serving at all scheduled Mass times. Safe Environment clearance is mandatory. English Contact: Deacon Jorge Suarez, 813-833-6921 Spanish Contact: Anibelka Guillermo, 813-732-8757 MUSIC MINISTRY The Music Ministry provides music for parish liturgical celebrations. Those who love to sing are invited to be a cantor and/or join the parish choir. If you play an instrument 8
that is appropriate for the Mass, especially pray about sharing that with your congregation — we need your talent. Those who have been blessed with the gift of a musical voice or an ability to play an instrument are encouraged to share that gift with the parish family by joining one of the choirs or volunteering to cantor during Mass. Contact: Alex Montoya, 813-877-5729 SACRISTANS Sacristans are responsible for the care of the precious objects used during liturgies, such as the linens, altar supplies, and vestments. They also keep the sacristy clean and in order. The duties of the sacristans are under the direction of the pastor. Contact: Enrique Rodríguez, 813-447-3831; Frank George, 813-618-6278
Formation CATECHESIS VOLUNTEER Our faith formation program provides an excellent foundation for a lifetime of faith. The purpose is to nourish the spiritual well-being of each child, youth or adult who come to our Church and enrich their faith with God’s Word, the Church’s teachings, and liturgical expression. Catechists and catechetical leaders are a team to foster an environment of Catholic values teaching and learning new ways to form Catholics. Contact: Sister Sabina Chimal Itzá, 352-206-7860
EMMAUS HOMBRES (SPANISH) Emmaus is a retreat for people who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Christ, regardless of their current level of faith and practice. The purpose of this program is to give them an opportunity to reflect on themselves, their relationship with God and their community. These life-changing retreats focus on personal spiritual growth and building friendships with other men of the parish. During the retreat there are talks, small-group discussions, and opportunities for silent reflection. Men who have participated in retreats gather at regular intervals to maintain friendships and share faith. Contact: Héctor de Peña, 813-562-4486 EMMAUS MUJERES (SPANISH) These life-changing retreats focus on personal spiritual growth and building friendships with other women of the parish. During the retreat there are talks, small-group discussions, and opportunities for silent reflection. Women who have participated in retreats gather at regular intervals to maintain friendships and share faith. Contact: Yvonne Piña, 813-810-3978
JOHN XXIII The movement Juan XXIII is an International Association, faithful, constituted according to the canons of the Canon Law of the Catholic Church, and inspired by the principles that emerged from the Second Vatican Council. Born in Puerto Rico, in the Diocese of Arecibo, created under the pontificate of Pope John XXIII, to be “a movement of evangelization” and working mainly for those away from the Church and the marginalized in our society. Contact: Martín Cruz, 813-514-5714 MARRIAGE MINISTRY (SPANISH) Ministry seeks to support and enrich the Sacrament of Marriage through the planning and implementation of marriage-edifying talks, studies and activities, including four supper clubs per year. We also seek to serve and share our faith through various outreach efforts. Contact: Eva Chaparro, 813-381-2010 RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults or RCIA is the process by which persons enter the Catholic church, receive sacraments they have missed as children, or return to the Church. The RCIA Team assists in this process by providing education, hospitality, support, and facilitation at gatherings. Contact: Deacon Jorge Suarez, 813-833-6921; Sister Sabina Chimal Itzá, 352-206-7860
ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL St. Joseph School is committed to instructional excellence. The school serves students from kindergarten through eighth grade, offering basic academic programs, religious education, school liturgies and a sacraments program. In addition, the school offers computer, art, music, library and physical education classes. Opportunities to participate in a variety of sports programs and extracurricular activities are also available. Contact: Brenda Budd, 813-879-7720
Service HEALTHCARE MINISTRY GROUP The Healthcare Ministry helps meet the physical, emotional, intellectual, and social needs of our parishioners. This ministry helps to promote health and wellness among the parishioners through education and self-awareness. Health Care Professionals who are parishioners
are on teams to promote this through a variety wellness checks and other information sessions as requested. Contact: Chris Yarnold, 727-482-8384 PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Members of the Finance Council advise the pastor regarding the management of parish finances and property, review parish business operations, prepare budgets, and identify needs and expenses for upcoming facility maintenance. Contact: Alfonso Calotes, 813-920-9405 PASTORAL CARE Pastoral care is a wholistic ministry that provide services to parishioners and all those in need regarding counselling, pregnancy, abortion, promoting physical and psychological well-being, and the health fairs. Contact: Vilma Hernandez, LCSW, 813-990-9461, PASTORAL COUNCIL The Pastoral Council fosters participation of the entire parish in the life and mission of the Church. The council, as a consultative body, advises and assists the pastor in areas of pastoral concern. It develops and recommends parish pastoral plans through consensus in an atmosphere of prayerful reflection. The Pastoral Council collaborates and cooperates with the parish staff, committees, groups, and parishioners. Council: Fr. Nelson Restrepo, 813-877-5729, ext. 3
PRO-LIFE MINISTRY The Pro-Life Ministry participates in various campaigns to promote respect for life. The Pro-Life Ministry plans events to help foster a pro-life awareness in the parish. They seek to educate parishioners about rightto-life issues as well as promoting events that celebrate the right to life. The Pro-Life Ministry is dedicated to defending the dignity of human life from conception to natural death, as well as providing educational information to our parish and the local community. Contact: Vilma Hernandez, LCSW, 813-990-9461,
SCHOOL VOLUNTEER Our parish school has many opportunities for the Volunteer Service Hours required of school families. These opportunities are also open to other members of the parish who would like to contribute to our parish school. Contact: Brenda Budd, 813-879-7720
Please keep until Spring 2023
A Stewardship Prayer Jesus, teach us to pray. Help us to manage our time so that we can spend it with You. Holy Spirit, fill us with your gifts. May we offer ourselves in sacrifice for all in need. Father, give us generous hearts. Help us to manage our finances and to give You priority. As your faithful disciples, we ask this for ourselves and people everywhere, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
3012 W. Cherry Street Tampa, FL 33607 Phone: (813) 877-5729