Making Time to Love and Be with Our Lord in Prayer
or parishioner Debi Smith, spending an hour of adoration with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is an awesome opportunity to be in the Real Presence of God.” “It allows Him to fill you completely and nourish your soul,” says Debi, one of the coordinators of adoration at St. Jude Thaddeus. “It allows you to lift up prayers for the Church, the vocations of priests worldwide, and your own life.” Adoration is a way to set aside intentional time with our
“Setting aside intentional time to spend with Jesus Christ encourages us to connect with and spend time alone with Jesus. It lets us open our hearts and minds. It is like scheduling a time to spend with a good friend.” — Marie King Lord. Today, we live in a fast-paced, loud society — this can make it difficult to hear Christ speaking to us. But in adoration, you can sit in the silence and let His love and mercy wash over you, giving you new life and strength in Him. St. Jude Thaddeus Church offers adoration every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. In order to have Eucharistic Adoration, at least one person must be present at all times as our Lord may never be left alone. Fr. Moreno prefers that at least two parishioners be committed per hour. There are currently 13 volunteers, but more would always be appreciated. There is currently only one person signed up for the 2 p.m. hour, so please prayerfully consider if committing to an hour of adoration is something to which you are being called. continued on page 5 CHRIST THE KING
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