june 2022
Our Lady of the
Assumption Pa r i sh
Building and Grounds Committee Keeping God’s Physical Church Running Smoothly
ere at Our Lady of the Assumption, we are blessed with the Building and Grounds Committee that helps with differ2 Keeping Our ent maintenance projects around Stewardship the campus. Six parishioners make Commitments up the core group and they act as in the Summertime an advisory committee to Fr. Eduino. They keep track of upcoming 3 Embrace the Holy Spirit maintenance repairs that will be needed, do research, take their 4 Celebrating Sacraments information to Fr. Eduino and of First Eucharist and the Finance Committee, and Confirmation (From left) Deacon Michael Tateishi, Steve Mahnke, John eventually help to implement the Blaschke, Duane Johnson, Casey Oliver, Joan Cotton repairs. 6 A Catholic’s Guide to “You get to meet and work with a lot of really great people on this committee,” Good Summer Reading says John Blaschke, Committee Chair who has been involved with the group for several years. “It also gives you a better understanding of how the parish runs. When 7 Eucharistic Homebound I first got involved, I had no idea how many steps were required to get a project Ministers Bring Christ’s done.” Love to All Members of Our Over the past couple years, the Building and Grounds Committee played a Community role in helping keep things open and active during the pandemic. “We installed cameras to do video streaming. This project was not originally part of the budget, but it was a big need for our community. We updated air conditioning, such as switching to more advanced filters to help keep the school open.” Another major project for the Building and Grounds Committee has 5057 Cottage Way been Affinito Hall. For the last year, this has been a big driving force for Carmichael, CA 95608 everything around the campus. As the first new building on campus (916) 481-5115 | olaparish.net
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