Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church Newsletter — May 2022

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A Favorite Community Even

and Saturday, May 14. This theme of celebrating our 70th year doing this event is a reminder that while many things change over time, many things stay the same. Due to the pandemic, this event did not take place the last two years, but this year, it is back and better than ever. “This event is really a time to come together as a parish and a school,” says Gail Lomba, one of the co-chairs for this event. “We are celcountry fair brings to the ebrating that the children have sucimagination an old-fashioned gathering of a community. It is an ceeded through another school year, event that brings together all ages our eighth-graders are moving on to and walks of life into a celebration their next big stage and just really of community and fun. As news sto- finding time to enjoy life with one ries and headlines read constantly another. This event is going on 70 of pandemic updates, global disrup- years strong and that is a wonderful tions, and economic concerns, this thing to celebrate!” “Someone once explained to me parish celebration invites us all to push these anxieties from our minds that this isn’t so much a ‘FUNDto take part in a couple days of fun raiser’ as it is a ‘FUNraiser,’” Gail says. “We aren’t just a church and and joy. The 70th Annual Country Fair we aren’t just a school. It is one big will take place on Friday, May 13, family making the school and parish


work. We have to have one to have the other.” This year, each classroom at the school is undertaking a booth as a special project. The booths will have a unique theme and be decorated with hand-made art by the students of that class. The class with the best-decorated booth will be awarded an ice cream party. Principal Robert Love, extension director Mrs. Lynn Sweeney, and art teacher Ms. Margaret Blanchfield will be judging the booths. Games and events will have an old-fashioned feel to them. Kids’ games and activities will include the cake walk, three-legged race, talent show, etc. Adult games and activities include the wine wheel, roulette table, and bingo. “We really focus on having something for everyone at this event,” says Fred Messerer, co-chair for this event. “There are games for the kids and games for the adults, plus a lot of food and activities. “The first time my family participated in this event, it was such a great celebration of starting summer,” he adds. “We love the community of the parish and the school, and this

“An old-fashioned country fair was about the community coming together and having fun by putting together activities with what they had. Nothing over the top — just good fun and community.” — Gail Lomba


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