Little Falls Catholic Community Newsletter — February 2022

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Little Falls

Catholic Community

The Called and Gifted Retreat

Discerning Our Spiritual Gifts to Do God’s Will


iscerning our spiritual gifts helps us to understand God’s plan for us. While some gifts may be obvious, others take more time and effort to discover. Laurie Gold learned during her Called and Gifted interview that she has a charism of teaching, which she has used as a facilitator for Bible studies for women of the parish. She also began taking classes on spirituality, which led to her becoming a spiritual director. “I have learned more about myself in the process than I could in any other way in my life,” Laurie says. Laurie and her husband, Mike, spearheaded the earlier retreat that hosted 180 attendees. On Feb. 26, 2022, the Stewardship Committee of the Tri-Parish will offer the Called and Gifted Retreat 2022 at Holy Family Parish Hall. The Called and Gifted retreat comes from the Catherine of Siena Institute. Participants are given the opportunity to take the “Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory,” wherein they answer

Laurie and Mike Gold are the organizers for the upcoming Called and Gifted Retreat.

questions about themselves to ultimately learn what charisms they have. Then, they are invited to partake in an interview process to discern where they might practice these new gifts, whether in their parish ministries or beyond. The idea of continued on page 5


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