Catholic Schools Week 2022
Celebrating the Many Blessings of Catholic Education
s we celebrate Catholic Schools Week from Jan. 30 to Feb. 5, let’s take a look at the impact Mary of Lourdes Catholic School has had on one of our families. Catholic education has always been important to the Houdek family. Jared and Angela are the proud parents of three daughters — twins Mara and Emma, 10; and Ruby, 5. All three girls attend Mary of Lourdes Catholic School and continue on the family legacy. “Although the Mary of Lourdes community wasn’t all that new to us, being that Jared is an alum and my mother taught kindergarten there for 23 years, the experience of The Houdek family sending our own children there was,” Angela says. “We felt very welcomed and at ease from the start.” All three girls began attending Mary of Lourdes in preschool, and all appreciate being a part of the school community. Mara and Emma are in fifth grade and love going to a Catholic school because of their friends and being able to learn about God. Ruby, the youngest, is in her second year of preschool. Her favorite part of school is the monkey bars! “When deciding on a school for our children, we felt it was very important to choose Catholic education because of our faith and values,” Angela says. “As parents, we have many favorite parts of Catholic education. Some of our top ones are that the teachings of our faith in the classroom are just as important as the academic subjects being taught, the dedication of the teachers and staff and their deep The Houdek girls — twins Mara continued on back cover
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and Emma, 10; and Ruby, 5
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