April 2022
The Marriage Prep Ministry Building a Sacramental Life and Drawing Couples Closer to God
WEEKEND LITURGY: Saturday: 5 p.m. (English), 7 p.m. (Spanish) Sunday: 9 a.m. (English), 11 a.m. (Spanish), 5 p.m. (English) First Saturday: 9 a.m. (English), 7 p.m. (Spanish)
(936) 634-6833 www.stpatrickslufkin.com
here’s no season in life quite like planning for a wedding. Engagement brings a great mix of excitement, stress, and busy schedules. A wedding is an important and beautiful part of a marriage, but it’s only the beginning. Marriage itself is filled with seasons of joy and seasons of suffering. At St. Patrick, we want to build up all couples entering into the Sacrament of Marriage and give them the tools they need to build a strong and healthy marriage. Daisy and Martin Aguilar serve as Marriage Prep Coordinators. They have been married for 11 years and have served the parish through this ministry for over a year. “Marriage Prep provides the couple with support and the tools to build, form, and navigate a life of faith in a sacramental marriage,” Daisy says. The process of preparing for marriage has several steps and takes place over nine to 12 months. After the initial meeting with the pastor, couples complete an assessment that will help walk them through many topics that are important to address before marriage. Then, through the Witness to Love program, the couple will choose a married couple to serve as their mentors. Couples meet with
Daisy and Martin Aguilar serve as Marriage Prep Coordinators. They have been married for 11 years and have served the parish through this ministry for over a year.
their mentors several times before the wedding and this relationship can help support the couple in their new marriage. Mentor couples receive training to help them fill this role. Married couples in the parish can help with the Marriage Prep Ministry by serving as mentor couples. continued on page 6