St. Michael Catholic Church Newsletter — Aug-Sep-Oct 2020

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Contents: 2

Living According to God’s Will Forming a Conscience and Moral Code


Welcome Back… Welcome Home!


Outreach in a Time of Crisis: St. Michael Serves Many in the Midst of COVID-19 Closures and Beyond


Protecting God’s Children through Safe Environment Training

Discovering the Gift of Peace through the Rosary


hen Fr. Mariya James was growing up in India, he prayed the Rosary with his family regularly. This made a remarkable impression on him, one that remains with him to this day. “We said the Rosary together as a family each evening,” Fr. James says. “Before we learned our catechism, we learned to pray the Rosary. It was a regular part of our life. My mother and father always encouraged us children to pray along with them. This is what really brought us close to God.” Over the years, Fr. James has witnessed the tremendous influence the Rosary has on those who open their hearts to it. “It has a really deep impact on those who pray it, and it brings them many graces and much peace,” he says. “It is especially helpful for families. Until people experience it for themselves, they cannot understand how great it really is.” Importantly, the Rosary must not be merely recited — instead, it is a loving conversation with one’s Heavenly Mother. “When we pray the Rosary, we are continued on back cover

Descubriendo el Don de Paz en el Rosario


uando el Padre Mariya James crecía en India, rezaba el Rosario con su familia regularmente. Eso creó una impresión indeleble, que aún perdura. “Rezábamos el Rosario en familia cada noche,” dice Padre James. “Antes de aprender el Catecismo, aprendimos a rezar el Rosario. Era parte de nuestra vida ordinaria. Mi padre y madre siempre nos alentaban a orar con ellos. Eso fue lo que realmente nos acercó a Dios.” Con el paso de los años, el Padre James ha sido testigo de la gran influencia del Rosario sobre quienes le abren sus corazones. “Ha tenido gran impacto sobre quienes lo rezan, y les trae múltiples gracias y mucha paz, “ nos dice. “Es de especial ayuda para las familias. Hasta que las personas lo viven, no pueden entender cuán fabuloso es.” Es importante, que el Rosario no sólo debe recitarse – más bien, es una amorosa conversación con la Madre Celestial. “Cuando rezamos el Rosario, pedimos a nuestra Santísima Madre que interceda por nosotros,” dice Padre James. “Creo que quienes rezan el continúa en la contraportada

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