The Good Stewardship of Our Parish Grounds Impacts God and Community
n 2015, Pope Francis wrote the encyclical, Laudato si’ (On Care For Our Common Home). The pope directs all of us to consider the words of St. Francis of Assisi, who called the Earth “our sister.” He asks everyone to work together to shape a healthy future for the planet. We have two wonderful opportunities to care for our planet here at St. Monica — the Giving Garden and Mowing Ministry. Steve Sanders coordinates the Mowing Ministry. Currently, four teams of three to four people mow all the grass on the parish grounds and help with landscaping projects. Steve would love to add a few more volunteers for this important ministry. When the parish grounds look nice, it truly glorifies our Lord.
“I enjoy helping with this ministry because I am doing what I can to help and cut costs,” he says. Steve knows this is important work. If we don’t give of our time, St. Monica’s wouldn’t be here as a place for us to worship the Lord. Melanie Kuester would love to see more people help in the Giving Garden, which is located in front of the Parish Meeting Center. Melanie, who coordinates the garden with Catherine Harrison, got involved because she has a passion for gardening and knew it would be a great way to serve St. Monica. In the past few years, the team has grown more than 1,000 pounds of food each year to share with the school, parish, and surrounding community, including the Crooked Creek Food Pantry. The ministry has grown about 20 different types of continued on page 6
The Giving Garden
Simon Lehmkuhler (light blue shirt) and other Boy Scouts who built the outdoor classroom and a three-bin composter for the garden
(From left) Catherine Harrison and Melanie Kuester