JUNE 2022
Loving and Serving Our Neighbors
S St. Monica Catholic Church 6131 N. Michigan Rd. Indianapolis, Indiana 46228-1298 MASS TIMES: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday: 8 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 10:30 a.m. Saturday Anticipation Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Spanish), 3 p.m. (Spanish), 6 p.m. Mass in French, 2nd Sunday of each month: 4:30 p.m. VER AL DORSO PARA ESPANOL
(317) 253-2193 www.stmonicaindy.org
erving our brothers and sisters in Christ is at the heart of stewardship. The act of serving others is very close to parishioner Ed Witulski’s heart. “I feel like, for years Ed gathers with members growing up, that I was of the Social Justice a taker,” Ed says. “I was Committee. selfish and individualistic. I am now paying it forward and I feel, down to my core, that this is the right path for me to be on in living out my faith and in living in community with others in our greater church and world family.” Ed has been a parishioner at St. Monica since 2001. He has been involved with various social justice efforts in the parish community and beyond — such as the Beggars for the Poor Ministry, Just Faith, and Faith in continued on page 6