Patrick’s P A R I S H Lectors Ministry:
I n si d e T his I ss u e : 2 Stewardship: A Need to Give 3 We Provide the Gifts, God Performs the Miracles
4 Altar Servers: Young
Parishioners Sharing Talents with God and Parish
6 First Communion Recap 7 Meet Parishioner Mary Grace Tassone Blessed to Serve and Be Involved in Parish Life
J U LY / AU G U S T 2 0 2 2
Faithfully Proclaiming God’s Word
n recent years, studies showing the benefits of reading aloud have sparked a resurgence in this form of education and entertainment. These benefits extend well past childhood. Reading aloud improves memory, retention of information, and understanding for adults as well. The reading of passages from the Bible during the Mass began in the first years of the Church. Before the Bible was compiled, Christians gathered together to read the letters from St. Paul, read from the Old Testament, and hear the stories of the life of Christ. They celebrated the Last Supper, thus forming the liturgy that we now celebrate as the Mass. Printed Bibles didn’t become available until the middle of the 1400s. As a result, for most Christians, hearing God’s Word proclaimed at Mass was the only access that they had to the Bible. For Gere Welden, a former English teacher, reading aloud to her children and her students was an important part of her life. And later, reading the Word of God aloud to her fellow parishioners was a natural step. “I have always loved reading aloud,” Gere says. “I knew how
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