St. Patrick Catholic Parish Newsletter — May-June 2022

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Patrick’s P A R I S H I n si d e T his I ss u e : 2 3 4

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The Bible The Textbook of Stewardship The Month of Mary: A Time for Celebration and Joy Flame of Love Cenacle Bringing Group Members Together in Prayer and Fellowship The Rosary: Our Lady’s Lasso Trinity Bookstore A Wide Selection of Catholic Gifts and “Holy Reminders” Just a Quick Drive Away

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Holy Hour for Vocations

Fanning the Flames in the Hearts of Those Discerning their Call A

mber Vanderpol felt drawn to the ministry of praying for vocations. Unsure how to pursue this at first, she came across the idea of having a Holy Hour for vocations. When she brought the idea to Fr. Estrella, it turned out that he had been thinking the same thing. Amber volunteered her family to commit to a monthly Holy Hour. “Our Lord asks us to pray to send more laborers for the harvest,” Amber says. “We are in a time of such incredible need for priests and religious, but also for Holy Matrimony. The number of people marrying in the Church is going down. I think we as a parish need to increase our prayer for all vocations.” Before they began their Holy Hour prayers, Amber and her family invited the diocesan vocations director over for dinner. He had helped establish Holy Hours at other parishes and offered suggestions for a format to follow and booklets to assist parishioners in participating. The booklets available during the Holy Hour walk through different

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