T R I NI T Y B OOKS TORE A Wide Selection of Catholic Gifts and “Holy Reminders” Just a Quick Drive Away
t this time of year, many families are looking forward to the celebrations of their children’s First Communion and First Reconciliation. These are joyous occasions that many want their children to remember in the years to come. Renee Galleo, owner of Trinity Bookstore at 1132 Lincoln Way, Auburn, offers some suggestions for lifelong keepsakes. “If it’s one thing, it would be a rosary for children,” she says. “I try to tell parents, people at my age, we all have kept whatever we received for our First Communion. My husband has his First Communion rosary. It’s very important. It’s such a milestone when they begin receiving the Eucharist.” Renee has owned the shop for the last four years. She believes there have been eight other women who have either taken on the ministry with combinations of sole ownership or partnerships for the past 35 years.
“The shop was already established when I purchased it,” Renee says. “I had been volunteering for the previous owners and saw areas that could be improved upon. When the shop went up for sale, I just couldn’t stop thinking about it as I just needed to give it a try.” She is hard-pressed to say what the most popular items are in the store. “It would be great if there was one thing that stood out,” Renee says. “I am asked this frequently by curious customers. It sometimes matches the seasons of the church year. Since owning the shop, I have brought in other ‘holy reminders,’ as I like to call them — gift-type items such as window charms, wind chimes, pocket tokens for adults and children, coffee from the Mystic Monks, and many other ‘gift’ type of items.” The shop has only 400-square feet, but Renee continued on back cover