The Philipian, A Publication of St. Philip Neri Catholic Church — January 2022

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“Faith. Excelle


Ranked as the number-one K-12 Private School in York County, St. Anne School provides a rigorous curriculum and promotes intellect, faith, and integrity among all community members.

Catholic Schools Week 2022 is just around the corner!

atholic Schools Week 2022 is just around the corner! Observed annually since 1974, Catholic Schools Week is a chance for the community to learn about andcelebrate thevaluesandblessingsofCatholi education. This year’s theme for Catholic School’s Week is “Faith. Excellence. Service.” And here at St. Anne School, Principal Shaileen Riginos highlights examples of all three. A K-12 school, St. Anne strives to educate the whole person and provides high-quality values-based education for their students. “Our students continue the vision of St. Philip Neri as well-educated and faithful disciples of Jesus, and faith plays a vital role in decision making in their daily lives,” Mrs. Riginos says. “They continue the great commission, which Jesus gave the Apostles — to go into the world proclaimingtoalltheGoodNewsofJesusChrist.Our faculty combines knowledge and virtue and are dedicated to the moral, spiritual and academic growth of each individual student.” HowisSt.AnneSchooldierentfromotherarea schools, public and private? “Our intimate environment and low student-teacher ratio places emphasis on the individual learner,” Mrs. Riginossays.Dierentiatedinstructiongivesevery student the opportunity to succeed. This results in higher academic achievement, a positive attitude towards school, and a solid sense of self-identity.” An education at St. Anne School is a high-quality continued on page 5

“Our students continue the vision of St. Philip Neri as well-educated and faithful disciples of Jesus, and faith plays a vital role in decision making in their daily lives. They continue the great commission, which Jesus gave the Apostles — to go into the world proclaiming to all the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our faculty combines knowledge and virtue and are dedicated to the moral, spiritual\ and academic growth of each individual student.” — Shaileen Riginos, Principal

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