A P l A ceto Belong 2022 ST e WARDSHIP R e N e WA l

From the Church’s earliest beginnings, Christians have built tight-knit communities. In the early Church, koinonia , or community, was a word with enormous significance. It evoked strong feelings of hospitality and belonging between those who had committed themselves to live as disciples of Christ. The early Church consisted of these groups of people who lived together, ate together and were willing to die for each other. This is the foundation upon which our Christian sense of community is built.
In terms of stewardship, hospitality is an immensely important concept. The truth is, if someone doesn’t feel like they are wanted and appreciated, how will they receive the love of God through us? Hospitality opens the door to a person’s heart and allows him or her to receive joy, grace and love. For Queen of the Holy Rosary to continue to grow as a stewardship community, we must help everyone who walks through our doors feel like they truly have come home. We must make hospitality a cornerstone.
— Eph 2:19-20
The presence of hospitality can make a newcomer or a returning member of the church feel at home. Friends are welcomed with open arms and warm smiles. Visitors feel the genuine love present in a hearty “Welcome!” Family members do not visit; they belong.

“So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone.”
A Core Christian Value
Here at Queen of the Holy Rosary, we want to help every individual to know that they are welcome, wanted, and needed as a part of our Catholic family.
Stewardship of T I me
• Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on a regular basis and ask God for the grace to live a life of holiness.
While many of us understand that prayer is an important element of the Christian life, most of us admit that it’s difficult to find a quiet moment to spend with God.
Helpful Prayer Resources
• Websites: usccb.org/bible/readings (daily readings), Dynamiccatholic. com, or queenoftheholyrosary.org
Maintaining A Healthy Prayer Life
• Receive spiritual nourishment in the Eucharist at least every Sunday.

As Christians, we must remember that we cannot give what we do not have. In order for us to welcome others into the life of the Church, we need to make sure that our spiritual lives are properly in order. To become a more prayerful person, take inventory of how you spend the 168 hours in the week. Are you taking time to talk to God in prayer, to speak with Him as you would a friend? Are you seeking His truth through reading the Scriptures? Will you make Him first on your priority list so that you are able to give to others from the graces He has given you?
• Challenge yourself to spend time in daily prayer, thanking God for His blessings, asking for His help in difficult circumstances and reading Scripture.
• Download and utilize Catholic phone and tablet apps, such as iBreviary, Magnificat, Hallow, and Divine Office; or podcasts such as The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz.
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10). Each of us has received gifts from God that we are to use in humble service. While many of us may not recognize the skills or abilities we have as gifts, they are a means by which we can give glory to God through serving each other. At Queen of the Holy Rosary our ministries provide opportunities for us to serve God and others. From a warm smile to giving someone a warm meal, we are able to welcome others into the family of God by being Christ to them. Reaching out in love, while sometimes difficult, can be quite spiritually enriching! Will you take the time to ask God how you can best serve Him through the service of His children?
• Sign up for a parish ministry that stretches you to put others’ needs before your own.

Stewardship of T A le NT
• Greet your fellow parishioners before or after Mass, introducing yourself to unfamiliar faces.
“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service, but the same Lord… To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.”
— 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 4
• Pray about how your gifts can best be used to help others feel welcome.
Ways to Welcome and Serve Others
1% to the archdiocese
Working Toward Giving the Tithe
If you have difficulty reaching your goal of the tithe, try increasing your giving incrementally, by one or two percent of income each year. Over time, you will find that the tithe is a reasonable goal that can be reached. Most importantly, you will know that you have been faithful in placing God first in everything, even in your finances.
Throughout Scripture, we are taught to give to God our “first fruits” or the “choicest portion.” In modern speech, we might say that the first “line item” in the family budget should be returning a portion of our income to God. Both symbolically and in actuality, this is a powerful expression of God’s place in your life. “Where your treasure is, there also lies your heart” (Matthew 6:21). Will you take some time to reassess how you prioritize God in your finances?
Stewardship of T R e AS u R e
We give the tithe (which means 10% of one’s harvest or income) because it is a scriptural benchmark that has been honored since the early Church (see Malachi 3:10).
5% to the parish offertory

4% to other charities
Reasons to Tithe: Why give a percentage of income?
Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ to the congregation during the Sunday and Holy Day Masses and distribute the Body of Christ at weekday Communion services when a priest is unavailable.
This dedicated group of volunteers properly clean and iron the various linens used at Mass.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God during liturgies and communal penance services. Lectors lead the assembly in Lenten services. They also read the Responsorial Psalm at any Mass where there is no cantor, read the Prayers of the Faithful, and read the announcements after Mass.
This ministry consists of cantors, various choirs, and musicians who lead the singing at Mass with voice and instruments.
Members of this ministry plan for, prepare, and decorate the inside of the church for various liturgical seasons and holy days.
Contact: Michael Kim, qhrmusic@qhr-opks.org
Contact: Evelyn Van Goethem, 913-631-1094, evelyn@vangoethem.me
Contact: Mary Clare mcamer4789@gmail.comAmer,
Trained Eucharistic Ministers bring Communion to Catholics in the hospital, retirement and nursing homes, and homebound parishioners.
Contact: Renee Boling, rboling0403@hotmail.com913-649-6515,
Contact: Marilyn Kidder, 913-432-8120
Altar servers perform an important role in assisting the priest. The care and attention that altar servers give their ministry allow the Mass to take place with reverence and beauty. Altar servers should have completed fifth grade and received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, and Eucharist. Altar servers are then scheduled quarterly in the parish ministry schedule. Servers assist the priest with weekly Masses, as well as weddings, funerals, and specially designated prayer celebrations. Altar servers perform their roles with reverence, commitment, and respect.
Greeters welcome all who enter the doors of Queen of the Holy Rosary Church for Mass and other special occasions.
Sacristans manage the many details of setting the altar, unlocking and locking the church, and turning on lights and microphones.
Contact: Dave Janner, 913-302-0419
Contact: Lee Crutchfield, 913-244-5545, delcrutchfield@aol.com
Contact: Marsha Affolter, 913-652-6709, maaffolter@gmail.com
Contact: Sharon DeHaemers, 913-449-2474, sdesigner476@gmail.com
Members celebrate the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12. Contact: Vicki Reyes, 913-980-9500, vreyes@twc.com
This prayer group meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the church.
Every Saturday at 7:00 a.m. the Queen’s Ladies meet in the south parking lot and pray the Rosary, hear a meditation, and exercise.
Parishioners provide fellowship with coffee and doughnuts in the parish hall after the Sunday morning Masses.
The Bereavement Ministry is a service to members of QHR who have lost a loved one. The name of the family member who arranged the funeral is assigned to a member of the ministry team. The bereavement team member then periodically sends cards with words of encouragement, sympathy, a prayer, or a “thinking of you” note. They do this for one year.
Contact: Mary Kay dillingham1014@gmail.comDillingham,
Contact: Paula Clayton, 913-689-8888, pfclayton@gmail.com
Contact: Phyllis Strobl, 816-560-1534, disneypj@aol.com
Contacts: Doris Kapsch, 913-642-0410; Carolyn Pate, 913-492-7612
We need bakers who can help provide treats for various parish events throughout the year.
Contact: Judy Dowd, jpdowd613@gmail.com913-839-3535,
Contact: Victor vgodinez1@yahoo.comGodinez,
Contacts: Rita and Bob Reid, 913-677-0779, 6300emeraldview@gmail.com
Contact: Kevin Caldwell, 913-722-4388, kc524nd@msn.com
Contact: Mike Saunders, 913-544-8138
Contact: Susan Saunders, 913-636-4241, smsaunders.ss@gmail.com
Ushers help with seating at Mass, take up the collection and secure it after Mass, help those with special needs, and distribute bulletins after Mass.
We are blessed to have the opportunity to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament 24 hours a day. We would very much like to fill our schedule with adorers.
The Rosary Leader, using the microphone, leads the Rosary 30 minutes before each weekend Mass.
Members take care of prayer requests from parishioners.
Bags to Mats ministry is a group of people concerned about the environment and compassionate about helping the vulnerable in our community. Learn how to turn your plastic grocery bags into mats for the homeless.
Contact: Kate Riley, hairofthedogsf@aol.com415-717-1629,
Parishioners provide nourishment and a period of relaxation, sociability, and comfort following the funeral service.
Contact: Annie anniebarney@qhr-opks.orgBarney,
or bottled waters at the southeast corner of the church between 1:15 p.m. and 1:45 p.m. on the first Saturday of every month. At 2:00 p.m., volunteers meet at the Sisters’ home next door to Blessed Sacrament at 2224 Troup Ave., Kansas City, Kan. There, they assemble 100 sack meals (including preparing up to 200 sandwiches), each meal with two sandwiches, fruit, chips, and a bottled water. At 3:00 p.m., volunteers leave and deliver the sack meals to the poor in Kansas City, Kan., and Kansas City, Mo. Parishioners are invited to participate in any or all these activities. Your help is very much appreciated!
The Communication team works with the parish staff and ministry leaders to let parishioners and the community know about parish activities. We also train and coordinate the church’s videographers for livestreaming and recording Masses, weddings, funerals, special presentations, and other special events. We use traditional (bulletins, fliers, posters, signage) and online (website, social media) communication to convey messages about upcoming programs. If God has given you interests and talents in writing, design, branding, or online communications, we’re eager to have you join us and spread the word!
Contact: Tom Kolarik, 913-238-6540, tkolarik211@gmail.com
Contact: Jane Croskey, 913-522-5221, croskeyjane@gmail.com
Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas operates food pantries throughout Johnson and Wyandotte counties. Queen of the Holy Rosary supports these pantries with a quarterly food drive. On the second-to-last weekend of the quarter, grocery bags and a list of desired food items are available at the church entrances. Parishioners are invited to take a bag, buy some or all the suggested items, and return them on the last weekend of the quarter. Bulk purchases of a single item are welcome. A Catholic Charities truck is parked in the south parking lot and the Food Drive Ministry people load the truck.
The Green Team helps the Queen community better understand God’s call
On the first Saturday of each month, parishioners help the Sisters and Friars of the Poor of Jesus Christ Franciscan Sisters’ home in Kansas City, Kansas, feed the poor. Volunteers serve in one or all the following roles: (1) Donate food; (2) Prepare 11 sack meals, and (3) Deliver the sack meals to the poor. Parishioners drop off pre-made sandwiches, fruit, chips, and/
Contact: Bill Maloney, wemaloney@gmail.com
The Evangelization & Conversion team includes parishioners interested in reaching out to others not fully engaged and participating in Christ’s life within the Catholic Church. We plan and support formation programs within the parish by inviting everyone to join us. There is no need to be an expert in the Catholic faith. You just need a love for God and a desire to see more people experience His impact in their lives.
Contact: Dave Janner, 913-302-0419, qhrkofc@gmail.com
Members lend their help to maintain the flowers and plant life surrounding the church and parish grounds.
Contact: Jim Stanker, Jim.stanker@gmail.com
This is a men’s Catholic fraternal organization. Our principles are Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. We
Contact: Cari Hillyer, 913-228-2551, icarenek@gmail.com
Members help with minor maintenance tasks required for general upkeep and repairs around the church, offices, and rectory. Examples include plumbing, electrical, painting, pews and kneelers, door and door closer repair and maintenance, roofing/waterproofing, masonry, concrete and tile, carpentry, audio/visual, sidewalk snow removal, etc.
Contact: Cathy Mahr, 913-432-4616, cathyqhr@qhr-opks.org
Contacts: Jim and Melinda Borelli, 913-909-3544, jimtborelli@gmail.com
provide volunteer and financial support for numerous families, pro-life, youth, and community activities. All practicing Catholic men are welcome and encouraged to join.
A member of the Welcome Ministry is at the Information Station after all Sunday Masses to help with the registration process and to provide other assistance as needed.
iCare provides an inspiring adaptive Mass and social activities for children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families. On the second and fourth Saturday of each month, join us as we celebrate Mass with a dedicated team of volunteers creating a unique experience for our iCare community. Each person may participate as an altar person, gift bearer, lector, choir member, Jesus table prep, and greeting our guests. Our goal is to create a community with engaging and meaningful participation for all children, adults, and family friends who have a loved one with a developmental disability.
Contact: Yolanda lalamisasijones@gmail.comJones,
Contact: Annie anniebarney@qhr-opks.orgBarney,
Contact: CJ Pfeiffer, c.j.pfeiffer@icloud.com
With the various events sponsored by our parish, there are many opportunities to capture our parish memories in pictures and videos. Individuals with their own cameras are needed to attend parish events to take photos of our parish family throughout the year. Professionals and amateurs are invited to participate. Send by email your best highresolution proofs with a description to the parish office for cataloging.
through Scripture and tradition to care for creation; to promote environmental stewardship in our parish through education, service, and fellowship; and to motivate the Queen community to practice stewardship in our homes and community.
The new Livestream Ministry shares Masses, services, and events from Queen with parishioners and viewers globally through the internet. We need volunteers with technical, digital media, or communication skills, plus people familiar with the liturgy and creative ways to share the faith through new media. If you love the liturgy and sharing the faith, we’ll provide all the training needed to be part of this ministry.
Contact: John Audley, john.audley@gmail.com913-645-4286,
The Queen’s Helpers is a new parish ministry that will perform basic household tasks for those in need during critical periods in their lives. We will minister to the aging, the disabled, the homebound, those going through medical recovery, single parents, and unemployed members of our parish and surrounding community. Examples include running errands, providing meals, visiting the homebound, transporting to Mass, raking leaves, shoveling snow, and lending a hand when needed.
QHR parishioners prepare and serve food to the needy on the second Thursday of every month.
Contact: Dave Janner, 913-302-0419
You will be taught how to make a very simple rosary. The finished products are sent to Missions or made available to parishioners. Materials needed are provided.
Every parishioner age 50 and above is encouraged to take part in the fellowship and social activities provided by the Queen’s Saints. See the bulletin for meeting times and how to join.
Contact: Steve Slater, 913-449-8283, steve@slater.net
This group campaigns and promotes respect for human life from conception until natural death through prayer, pastoral care, and policy development.
Contact: Robin Mills, 913-558-6107, rmillstdf@gmail.com
Queen’s Ladies purchase the altar breads for parish liturgies, sponsor aerobics classes, and a bridge group, and provide spiritual and social activities for the women of the parish.
Contact: Judy Dowd, jpdowd613@gmail.com913-839-3535,
Contact: Judy Dowd, jpdowd613@gmail.com913-839-3535,
Men of Queen is a men’s ministry designed to grow spiritually with the Holy Spirit and to strengthen the faith foundation of men to become better servants in Christ’s Church Community. MOQ meets every Saturday morning from 6:45 to 7:45 a.m., with 15 minutes of fellowship and 45 minutes of table discussion. All men of the parish are invited to come any Saturday morning. Contact: Will Miller, 913-384-4644, themillers711@att.net
Contact: Will Miller, 913-384-4644, themillers711@att.net
Trained Stephen Ministers from our parish reach out with God’s love to people who are hurting. The Stephen Ministry equips parishioners to provide one-on-one confidential Christian care to those in our congregation who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.
Contact: Grace Trainor, 913-722-2206, grace@qhr-opks.org
Contact: JPII School, 913-432-6350
Contact: Grace Trainor, 913-722-2206, grace@qhr-opks.org
Queen of the Holy Rosary’s Religious Education Program is designed to assist parents in fulfilling their obligation to educate their children in the knowledge, love, and service of God and the Catholic faith. The School of Religion program is a vital part of our parish.
Contact: Dr. Eva eharmon@archkckcs.orgHarmon,
To act as a sponsor for those who have not received all their sacraments and want to come into full Communion with the Catholic Church, an individual must be a practicing Catholic who has had all their sacraments — Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, married in the Church (if married) — be active in the parish, and in full Communion.
An organization designed to develop skills and train boys to be leaders. Boys in first grade start as Tiger Cubs and work through the Cub ranks. When the boys complete Webelos, they advance to Boy Scouts. The program continues leadership training as young men advance to Eagle Scout, the highest rank of the Boy Scout program.
Provides organized sports for all the children of Queen of the Holy Rosary and St. Pius X parishes.
Contact: Parish Office, 913-432-4616
Contact: Paul Cast, 913-909-9549 for Boy Scouts; Carrie Setzkorn, 913-912-1712 for Cub Scouts
Parish students in grades eight through high school meet two Sundays per month in the YOUth Room, which is in the convent. Together they work to strengthen their personal and spiritual growth, plan and implement service projects and activities for the community and parish, and support one another in faith, selfesteem and living as disciples of Jesus in their world today.
Contact: Grace Trainor, 913-722-2206, grace@qhr-opks.org
John Paul II Catholic School is the merged school formed by combining St. Pius X and Queen of the Holy Rosary Schools. John Paul II includes preschool through eighth grade with an emphasis on the development of the Catholic faith and academic excellence.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is an approach to the religious education of children with presentations based on the Bible and liturgy. CGS currently reaches children ages 3-6. Volunteers can assist in the preparation of the articles and items in the Atrium. You can commit to just once, once a month, or weekly, depending on your schedule.
death Pray
Stewardship begins in prayer. Consider the following suggestions to grow closer to Christ through prayer. Please check the circles next to your commitments to prayer:
Linens Altar Servers Arts and Environment Eucharistic Ministers Greeters Hospital Ministry Lectors Music Ministry Sacristans Ushers Prayer
T I me T o c omm IT
Find out more about these ministries in our Stewardship Handbook. When you sign up, the leader will call to explain how to get involved.
St. Mary’s Food Kitchen Stephen MinistryFormation Men of Queen Rite of Christian Initiationfor Adults SponsorsYouth Formation Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts Catechesis of the GoodShepherd Catholic Youth Organization(CYO) John Paul II Catholic SchoolVolunteer Queen’s Crusaders YOUthGroup School of Religion Program(SOR) CatechistsResource PoolI would like to share the following talents/skills with my parish:______________________________________________ Continued on next panel. = Already Involved = Interested in Joining = Already Involved = Interested in JoiningWrite the first name on the line. Talent (continued) Talent (continued) Queen of the holy RosaRy Please bring this card to Mass or mail using theenvelope provided. Thanks and God bless you! 2022 Commitment Card Write the first name on the line. CityAddress State ZIP First & Last Name Spouse:EmailPhoneFirst & Last Name Spouse: Phone Spouse: Email a Place to Belong 7023 W. 71st St. Overland Park, KS 66204(913) 432-4616 www.queenoftheholyrosary.org
Write the first name of the family member who wishes to join or is active in each ministry on the lines. You may write multiple names for the same ministry.
Liturgical Ministries Altar Ministries Ministries (continued)
daily Pray for persecuted Christians Pray
Adoration Divine Mercy Prayer Group Our Lady of Guadalupe Ministry Prayer Chain Please clearly write the first name(s) of interested family member(s) on the line. = Already Involved = Interested in Joining In thanksgiving for God’s gifts, each household at Queen of the Holy Rosary is asked to give a specific percentage of income based on the biblical tithe: 5% to Queen of the Holy Rosary 4% to the archdiocese 1% to other charities inUsingTalentMyTalentsParishMinistries MakingTreasureaConsistentGifttotheOffertorySpendingTimeTimewithGodinPrayer Continued on back panels. If you have difficulty reaching these goals, try increasing your gift incrementally over several weeks or months. Please complete either a weekly or monthly offertory gift: Weekly gift x 52= annually Monthly gift x 12= annually$$ $$or %Percentage of household income: My Offertory pledge to Queen of the Holy Rosary 10% 5% 4% 1% Amount of Weekly Gift $58 $29 $23 $6 $96 $48 $38 $10 $135 $67 $54 $14 $ 192 $96 $76 $19 % of Hshld $100,000$70,000$50,000$30,000HouseholdIncome:Income Contact me about on-line electronic giving options. Prayer Ministries (continued) Queen’s Ladies Rosary Walk Rosary LeaderService Ministries Bags 2 Mats Bakers Bereavement Ministry Coffee and Doughnuts Communication Evangelization & Conversion First Saturday Street Ministry Food Drives (Quarterly) Funeral Luncheons Green Team Grounds Beautification iCare Hospitality Desk Knights of Columbus Livestream Video Ministry Maintenance Memories Ministry Queen’s Helpers Queen’s Ladies Queen’s Saints Respect Life Ministry Rosary Making Ministry Service
day Pray for
City Pray for
envelope provided or fill it out online: www.queenoftheholyrosary.org . Please keep

mail it using
The famous Christian author, C.S. Lewis, once wrote, “A person whose hands are full of parcels cannot receive a gift.” Stewardship is a life-long conversion of heart, mind and soul, so that we are able to receive God’s love and return that love to Him. The better we understand our Catholic faith and our personal role within God’s kingdom, the better equipped we will be to share God’s love and resources – our time, our talent, and our treasure – with others. This year, how will you take the next step in your journey of sharing God’s love through personal formation and conversion? bring completed commitment card to 29/30, the until Fall 2023 half hour a week at least 15 minutes a day in personal prayer the Rosary at least weekly to Confession at least every other month extra time with my spouse each vocations in the Archdiocese of Kansas my country for life from conception to natural for those serving in the military to overcome one sinful habit the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily
Mass on October

7023 W. 71st St. Overland Park, KS 66204 (913) 432-4616 www.queenoftheholyrosary.org Attend Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days Attend weekday Mass at least once a week Schedule a regular weekly Adoration hour Invite a friend or acquaintance to Mass Pray together with my family Pray for the sick, the lonely and the deceased Discuss our Catholic Faith with my family Read the Bible for a