Queen of the Holy Rosary C at h o l i c C h u r c h
Celebrating the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist Eucharistic Revival Begins in 2022
2019 Pew Research study found that only one in three Catholics believes in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and Precious Blood. With this statistic largely in mind, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has launched a three-year Eucharistic Revival, titled “My Flesh for the Life of the World.” The revival will culminate with the National Eucharistic Congress in July 2024 in Indianapolis. Here at Queen of the Holy Rosary, we will celebrate the Eucharist with a special event during each month of 2022. The first events were held from March 13 to 15, with presentations from the Holy Family School of Faith. The event also included exposition, the Rosary, and benediction. The Knights of Columbus served a simple chili meal on March 13. “The purpose of these events and the Revival is to reflect on Jesus’s real presence and what a gift it is,” Fr. Bill Bruning says. “At Mass, we receive the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. We receive it from the tree of life — the Eucharist.” This year, a Eucharistic event will take place one Saturday per month, beginning after 4 p.m. Mass. Join fellow parishioners for the Rosary, a presentation from the Holy Family School of Faith, Eucharistic Adoration, and a procession around the neighborhood. “We want this to be a Eucharistic witness in the neighborhood,” Fr. Bill says. The upcoming Eucharistic event dates are April 2, May 7, June 18, July 2, Aug. 6, Sept. 3, Oct. 1, and Nov. 5. June 18 will also be a celebration of Corpus Christi. The emphasis for the July 2 event will be to pray for our nation as we approach Independence Day. On Aug. 6,
we will pray for the Kansas election for greater respect for life. “We want to bring back the appreciation for the Eucharist,” Fr. Bill says. “We really lost that with the COVID-19 shut-downs. We want to undo the misconception that the Eucharist is optional.” Fr. Bill believes these gatherings will be an excellent opportunity to gather as the Body of Christ once again. He also wants to encourage more people to sign up for an hour of Eucharistic Adoration — it is truly a gift to spend an hour with Jesus. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus returned from praying and found Peter asleep. He asked him, “So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?” We should consider these words and ask how to spend more time with our Lord. “There is nothing more important in our schedule than spending time with Jesus,” Fr. Bill says. “We should never forget the gift we receive and reflect on it.”
Please join us in celebrating the gift of the Eucharist on April 2, May 7, June 18, July 2, Aug. 6, Sept. 3, Oct. 1, and Nov. 5 after the 4 p.m. Mass.