Queen of the Holy Rosary C at h o l i c C h u r c h
The Art and Environment M
The Stewardship of Our Church Enhances Pari
s we journey through the liturgical year, the transformation of the church environment reminds us of each new season. As we approach Easter, we can look forward to the Lenten purples being replaced by the joyful colors and flowers of spring. Behind this transformation is a team led by Sharon DeHaemers. “Our goal is to enhance the parishioners’ worship and make it more meaningful,” Sharon says. There is a lot of work to be done throughout the year, particularly at the transition from one season to another. There are flowers to be ordered, plants to be arranged, and banners to be hung. Sharon is grateful for a group of men who help hang the banners and drape colored cloth over the crucifix. Holy Week is a particularly busy time for Sharon and the Art and Environment team. They carefully prepare the church for each special liturgy, from the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday to the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Mass. A unique feature that
parishioners may keep an eye out for is the Garden of Repose, set up on Holy Thursday. Sharon uses palms and greenery to create a small Garden of Gethsemane, where the Eucharist will be kept. A kneeler by the garden makes it a beautiful opportunity for prayer and reflection. Easter brings spring flowers — lilies, hydrangeas, and mums in bright colors. Sharon orders flowers from a local nursery and arranges them in the church. The flowers are cared for throughout the Easter season. Sharon likes to be inspired each year and keeps things fresh with new ideas. She incorporates nature and live plants wherever possible. The Art and Environment Ministry is a natural fit for Sharon, as she has a long history with interior design. She worked professionally in the field for many years and has previously helped at two other parishes. “I think that God has given me a talent for design,” Sharon says. “I feel like this is a good way to share the
“I think that God has given me a talent for design. I feel like this is a good way to share the talents He has given me with other people. I can help make the service a little more beautiful.” — Sharon DeHaemers