Queen of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church Newsletter — August 2020

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august 2020

At Peace Like Never Before:

Meet The Crutchfields


Inside Understanding God’s Gift of Time

4 Profile: Deacon Bill

Scholl All Things Working for Good

6 The Maintenance

Ministry Sharing Talents and Keeping Our Parish Property in Top Shape

7 Living According to

God’s Will Forming a Conscience and Moral Code

7023 W. 71st Street Overland Park, KS 66204 www.queenoftheholyrosary.org


A Transformational Journey in the Faith

ne of the beautiful things about our faith is that it is never too late to return to the fold. In fact, part of the stewardship way of life is a continued process of conversion, gradually becoming more perfect expressions of Christ’s love on earth. Queen of the Holy Rosary parishioners Lee and Connie Crutchfield are testaments of this truth, having come to the Church postretirement. In Connie’s case, it was a return to the faith of her childhood after years of being away, while Lee entered the Church through the RCIA process, becoming a brand-new Catholic. “I fell away from the Church probably when I started going to public school in the seventh or eighth grade and didn’t return until 2009,” Connie says. “I began watching EWTN and The Journey Home with Mother Angelica. I just kept watching and watching, and Queen of the Holy Rosary parishioners over time felt the Holy Spirit Lee and Connie Crutchf ield leading me back.” “I, on the other hand, was raised Protestant and became Episcopalian when Connie and I got married,” Lee says. “But around 2007, 2008, I felt that continued on page 2

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