Queen of the Holy Rosary C at h o l i c C h u r c h
THE MAINTENANCE MINISTRY Sharing Talents and Keeping Our Parish Property in Top Shape
e may not always see them at work, but our Maintenance Ministry members can be counted upon to make sure everything is in good running order here at Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish. C.J. Pfeiffer is one of the coordinators of this ministry, which currently has 10 members. “We take care of the general maintenance of the church,” he says. “We take care of the heating and air conditioning system, clean the parking lot, and take care of snow removal. We try to oversee the maintenance of all the buildings regarding mechanical, electrical and plumbing matters.” While much of their work has been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the group
was instrumental in helping to to restore the heat. install the recent security cameras. The members understand that They usually gather once a month to in giving their time and talents check and take care of any problems. to the parish, they are practicing Besides making sure everything stewardship. is working smoothly, the ministry “I was asked to join the ministry,” members enjoy a camaraderie. They C.J. says of his experience in share common interests, as well as stewardship. “I’m a facilities manager experience in maintenance work. and I wanted to give back a little bit. Not only are they able to repair I’m very blessed, so it’s nice to give and service systems around the back when you can. I just look at the church, but their expertise also property, and there are things to do, enables the parish to save money. and if I’m capable, let’s just do it!” “I work for a large corporation, Although the ministry numbers and I can leverage that to get better are at a good place, anyone who prices on things,” C.J. says. wants to join is most welcome. In another example, when the “This is a good group of guys with main boiler in the school building maintenance skills,” C.J. says. “They failed in the middle of winter, the make sure the campus is running ministry members were able to the way it needs to be. We keep the respond quickly to that emergency property nice and safe.”
Anyone interested in joining the Maintenance Ministry may call C.J. Pfeiffer at 913-660-3590.