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Meet the Kidder Family: Happy to Call Our Parish “Home”

For David and Carolyn Kidder and their three daughters — Natalia, 23; Elizah, 19; and Genevieve, 13 — Queen of the Holy Rosary is truly home. They love the people here and the connections they have made over the years. For David, having grown up in this parish, Queen of the Holy Rosary certainly feels like home. His parents, Bill and Marilyn, have been members since 1958.

David and Carolyn feel that in recent years, the Queen of the Holy Rosary family has grown even stronger under the tutelage of Fr. William Bruning.


“He has really made an effort to have more activities and events, like outdoor Masses and picnics,” David says. “Queen has become a much bigger parish, but it still feels very close because of the activities going on.”

Carolyn didn’t move too far from her home parish. She grew up in Mission and attended St. Pius X.

David and Carolyn feel so blessed by all the wonderful priests that have served at Queen of the Holy Rosary since they joined. Fr. Bill’s sermons are so valued by the couple. David attributes Fr. Don Cullen for helping him further develop his faith.

“I always feel so renewed when I leave Mass,” Carolyn says.

David teaches seventh grade School of Religion (SOR) at Queen of the Holy Rosary. He has also helped with the Confirmation program. Carolyn also taught for a few years.

“I am a teacher by trade,” David says. “This scratches that itch I have to teach. I get a lot out of it. I never would have suspected how much it helps my faith. I learn a lot as I’m preparing for class.”

“We thought it was a great opportunity for us to be involved since our children were at SOR anyway,” Carolyn says. “It was an opportunity to contribute to their faith life and the lives of other youth.”

David hopes his SOR students will continue to grow in their faith and that they will be more devoted than he was at their age. The couple hopes that Natalia, Elizah, and Genevieve will continue to practice the faith into adulthood. Genevieve recently received the Sacrament of Confirmation.

In their free time, the Kidder family enjoys spending time together, whether going for a walk, sitting around a campfire, or playing Uno. They also love listening to all genres of music together.

The Kidder family

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