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Value Them Both: Vote “Yes” on Aug. 2 and Protect Sanctity of Life in Kansas

On Aug. 2, Kansans have the opportunity to come out and vote “yes” for an amendment to the state constitution that supports an important issue from Catholic Social Teaching — the sanctity of all human life.

Kansas’ current state constitution protects a woman’s right to abortion. “Value Them Both” is a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would put into place a number of regulations, such as parental consent for minors and limits on taxpayer-funded abortions, that were previously removed from the constitution.


According to the Value Them Both website, “A recent Kansas Supreme Court ruling removed the legal foundation for all existing laws that permit basic regulations on abortion. Value Them Both simply allows for these existing laws to be protected.”

Parish Administrator Paul Coquillette was present when Archbishop Naumann came to Queen of the Holy Rosary and spoke to the Johnson County Parish Administrators in March.

“It was especially illuminating to me because I was not fully aware that Kansas had become a destination state for women from other states, to the point where abortions in Kansas are rising,” Paul says.

Respect Life Ministry coordinator Judy Dowd shares this concern about the increase that Kansas has seen in abortions, particularly during the pandemic. According to a report by National Public Radio, 2020 was the first year in 50 years in which the majority of abortions performed in Kansas were for women from out of state.

Dave Janner, the Knights of Columbus Grand Knight, and fellow knight, John Rodriguez, are working with the Respect Life Ministry to inform parishioners about this issue and to help them to spread the word about voting “yes” to the amendment.

On June 5, the Knights will be available after Mass to help people register to vote and to give out information about the amendment. Literature on the amendment is currently available at the Hospitality Desk. On July 31, the weekend before the Aug. 2 vote, Fr. Bill will speak to the parish about the amendment.

Letting friends and neighbors know about the issue is important.

“I hope they get it out and spread it around so people aren’t surprised when it’s time to vote,” Judy says.

To help spread the word, bumper stickers supporting the amendment can be picked up at the Hospitality Desk.

Judy has been involved in the Respect Life Ministry for 10 years. Her connection to the pro-life movement stems in part from her personal experience of growing up with a sister with cerebral palsy, as well as having a premature grandson.

“Things of that sort make you realize how important life is,” she says.

The parish Respect Life Ministry also organizes a monthly Rosary at Planned Parenthood on the first Saturday of the month. After attending the 8:15 a.m. Mass at Church of the Nativity, members meet at 9 a.m. outside Planned Parenthood to pray the Rosary and a Divine Mercy Chaplet.

“This vote is important,” Judy says. “It’s not just babies we’re protecting, but the moms as well who suffer greatly through abortion. We want to help these moms.”

Please be on the lookout for ways you can spread the word, and come to the Masses on June 5 and July 31 to find out more. The vote for the amendment happens on Aug. 2. If you would like to become involved or learn more, please contact Judy Dowd at 913-963-3191.

The Knights of Columbus have had this bumper sticker on hand for parishioners to pick up at the parish Hospitality Desk in order to spread the word throughout the community to vote “yes” for the amendment on Aug. 2.

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