Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Newsletter — April 2022

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APRIL 2022

Our Lady of Lourdes CATHOLIC CHURCH


ADRIANA ADLER Building Community, Serving Christ and His Church


aleigh and the Triangle area have several Catholic churches. When Adriana Adler first moved here from New York State about three years ago, she searched for a church that felt like home. What drew her to Our Lady of Lourdes was Eucharistic Adoration. She visits the chapel as much as possible, even though she and her husband, Gary, live in Zebulon. Gary and Adriana were married here at Our Lady of Lourdes in 2019. Adriana also serves as a lector for Spanish Mass. She is so thankful to Fr. Patrick Keane for starting the Spanish Mass. Adriana and Gary Adler “Being a lector gives me the opportunity to meditate on the readings and be part of the Mass,” Adriana says. “I love being close to God’s Word as a lector.” In addition, Adriana is an aide for fifth-grade Faith Formation. Growing up in Mexico and having been raised in a devout Catholic family in Mexico, Adriana had a firm continued on back cover

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