The Ladies Society provides a close sense of camaraderie among the women of the parish while also enabling them to live out their stewardship calling.
Ladies Society Diamond Dinner Honors Parish Elders “We feel the honorees are the people who have made our church, parish, and school what it is. If not for them, we might not be here today.” — Debbie Davis, chair of the Ladies Society Diamond Dinner Committee
he long-standing tradition of the Ladies Society Diamond Dinner will once again honor our parishioners over the age of 75 during the event set for noon, Nov. 1 in our church hall. “We feel the honorees are the people who have made our church, parish, and school what it is,” says Debbie Davis, dinner chair. “If not for them, we might not be here today.” Invitations will be mailed to the honorees. If the honoree is married, the spouse is invited. And those who are single are welcome to bring a guest. “Each year we try to do something a little different,” Debbie says. “One year we had a picnic theme, and last year we showcased St. Dominic School. We had our students color place mats for the people, and we served the dinner on trays from the school. We try to give them a nice, sit down meal.” After the meal, Debbie leads the group in a game, such as asking who has the most grandchildren, or the newest grandchild. “They like that,” Debbie says. “They get to catch up with what has been going on during the year. Usually people like to sit and visit. They can stay as long as they want to. It’s a good chance for the older parishioners to get together.” The younger generation in our parish also has the opportunity to meet their elders during the dinner, as the Girl continued on page 5