St. Benedict
Save the Date for Our Upcoming Spring Masquerade
Annual Event Takes a New Shape
or those of us who enjoy being around friends and socializing, the pandemic has certainly taken its toll. There have been very few in-person events, and opportunities for socialization have occurred through a screen. But we have a chance to put that all aside and gather on Saturday, April 23, for the St. Benedict Cathedral School Spring Masquerade fundraiser. The annual Mardi Gras event held in February has been replaced by the Spring Masquerade, at least for this year. Angie Wellmeier is coordinating the event, and she could not be more excited. While this will be her first time attending the event, she has event planning and fundraising experience. The annual gathering was pushed back a few months in hopes there would be less spread of COVID-19. “We hope that we can provide a nice setting for a night of socializing and fun to help bring members of our parish together as a whole while also raising money for our school,” Angie says. “We hope to provide a fun, relaxed atmosphere for our parish members to reconnect, all while having a nice dinner and engaging in games, activities, and fellowship.” St. Benedict Cathedral supports the school to help lower tuition costs, and money is also raised throughout the year to cut tuition costs further. Tuition and the parish subsidy by themselves do not cover all the costs. So, the Spring Masquerade is a way for people to support the school.
continued on back cover
Inside APRIL 2022
2 Divine Mercy Sunday and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy 3 All Things and All People Are Made New 4 Habitat for Humanity: Supporting the Common Good of All 6 The Building and Grounds Committee: Good Stewards of Our Property and Resources