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The GriefShare Ministry

Together in Sorrow, with the Grace of God

When you are grieving the death of a loved one, it can be one of the loneliest feelings in the world. Here in the Catholic community of Sauk Centre, we want you to know that even in the most difficult, painful and lonely times of your life, there are those who want to walk alongside you on the journey of grief.


Six years ago, parishioner Jeanine Wolbeck suffered the loss of her beloved husband. In the midst of her pain, she decided to try to connect with others who had experienced a similar loss. After some searching, she finally discovered GriefShare, a grief recovery support group, in Alexandria.

“It was amazing; very helpful,” Jeanine says. “And the group I went through this with, we still meet every month.”

Just last year, after talking with local pastors and discovering that there still wasn’t a grief support group in Sauk Centre, Jeanine connected with a new friend, retired nurse Deb Himsl, who she says has a heart for providing space for those suffering the loss of a loved one. With the support of Fr. Greg, and the pastors of other local churches, the ladies brought GriefShare to the Center for Christ for the first time last fall.

GriefShare is an international, faith-based, ecumenical program consisting of 13-week sessions that include video teachings, individual reflection and journaling, and group discussion. The group covers topics such as the challenges of grief, how to find comfort in your faith, and much more. The group also provides one-time sessions, covering topics such as grieving the loss of a spouse, and how to prepare for the holidays without your loved one.

From the first group that went through the program, Jeanine and Deb saw the positive impact of the ministry.

“I can tear up just talking about those people,” Deb says. “They all changed. You could see healing in all of them.”

“They’re all going to heal at their own pace,” Jeanine adds. “We’re just there to listen and guide and facilitate the program. It’s been a heartwarming experience.”

For many, GriefShare becomes a place where, even in their suffering, they can feel a little less alone, in a space with others who can relate to their pain.

“There was a girl who said, ‘I looked around and I recognized those faces, I saw that deep sadness — that’s me when I look in the mirror,’” Deb says.

“I didn’t know what was normal,” Jeanine says. “I thought I was going crazy sometimes. But sometimes that’s what you need more than anything else — people that understand that those feelings are normal and you’re going to be okay, by the grace of God.”

Because of the nature of the program, GriefShare provides a place where people can receive healing in a way that helps them to draw closer to God, in the midst of their suffering.

“It really helped me spiritually to go through this program,” Jeanine says. “Through this program, we learn it’s only through the grace of God that you can heal and you have to trust in Him to lead you through.”

“God’s going to walk with you,” Deb adds. “It may not always feel that way, but He’s always there — He’s not going to desert you.”

Jeanine and Deb encourage those suffering the loss of a loved one to consider coming to find support with others experiencing similar grief.

“I think anyone could benefit from this,” Jeanine says. “We try to make it comfortable and supportive. There’s no commitment — just give it a try.

“I want people to have hope,” she adds. “I want to give people a place with people they know they can go to when things aren’t right. This doesn’t take away the struggle, but it gives you resources — it gives you something to hang onto, it gives you other people to support you.”

If you would like more information, or to become involved with GriefShare, please contact Jeanine Wolbeck at 651-285-5720,or Deb Himsl at 320-429-0913. You can also email griefshare@centerforchrist.org.

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