3 minute read
Meet Holy Family School Business Manager Carla Moritz
“God Definitely Led Me Here”
Each weekday morning of the school year, Carla Moritz wakes up, prepares for her day, and says a Rosary. By 7:30 a.m., she is in her office at Holy Family School, getting a few things done before the children begin to arrive. As the school’s Business Manager, her days are rarely dull! The hours quickly fill with office duties, from making sure building needs are met, to working together on projects with Principal Lynn Peterson. Every hour of every day, Carla feels incredibly blessed to serve our school in this important role.
Prior to coming to Holy Family School, Carla spent over 20 years in the banking industry and several years as the Business Manager for her husband’s construction company. When the position of Business Manager at the school opened up, many friends and acquaintances told her she should consider applying.
“People were coming to me and dropping all these hints, and I finally recognized that maybe God was talking to me through them,” Carla says. “At the interview for the job, I said, ‘I believe God sent me here, and if I’m meant to be working here, you will choose me and I’ll accept, but if you choose another, I’ll know that God has another plan.’ So I’m here, and it has been such a blessing in my life. God definitely led me here.”
In the six years that Carla has served as the school’s Business Manager, she has been touched by the faith of the students and their willingness to pray for others throughout the school day. She has also been inspired by the “big heart for Jesus and the children” that she witnesses in her boss, Lynn Peterson, every day.
Working in a faith-filled atmosphere — and having the opportunity to visit the adoration chapel across the street from the school before or after work — brings Carla a sense of joy and peace. As a lifelong Catholic who grew up attending St. Paul’s Church and Holy Family School, Carla has a deep connection to the Catholic community in Sauk Centre.
“My grandsons are the fourth generation of my family to go to Holy Family School,” she says. “And I feel a strong sense of community here at St. Paul’s. A connection has developed, and it’s just been the best thing ever. It’s like I have my own little family outside my family here in the church. It feels like that passage in the Catechism that says Jesus is the Head and we are the Body. That’s how I feel about my church — really feeling like part of the whole Body of Christ. It’s really beautiful when you stop to think about it.”
— Carla Moritz
Recently, Carla has furthered her involvement in service by volunteering with the No One Dies Alone Ministry (NODA) through a local hospital. Carla finds that the opportunity to sit and pray with people at the end of their time here on earth is a powerful and beautiful experience, and she feels blessed to participate in this special ministry. “It is my prayer life and faith that gives me courage to sit with others at the end of life,” she says.
Reflecting on her work life at Holy Family School, her spiritual life at St. Paul’s, and her home life with her husband, Steve, their two sons and five grandchildren, Carla is overcome by a great sense of gratitude for all the gifts God has so freely given, both to her and our entire faith community.
“We live in a really faithful community,” Carla says. “I just feel like we’re really blessed around Sauk Centre. There are good Catholic churches and there are other faiths here in town, and we work together well. There are lots of good outreach ministries going on around here. I feel blessed to have grown up here and be raised in the Catholic faith. I feel very, very blessed in my life. There are just so many good things happening.”