vice to God and Parish Living a life of stewardship has been an important part of the Hellermans’ faith life. They believe that to actively live out the faith, you must show Christ’s love to those around you. They believe that by being involved in the parish, Christ is put back at the center of your life. Life can get busy, but by serving the greater community you are provided a way to turn the focus back to God. “Our lives are crazy and sometimes it feels like participating in the parish would just be something extra to do,” Cheryl says. “But believe us when we say that becoming involved in a parish helps you put God back in the center of your life and your family. He always helps you find a way to fit in. No matter what you think your gifts are — or are not — God is calling you in some way to get involved. Once you do, you will be changed, and you will realize that it’s not just something extra. It is the very thing that brings everything else together.”
The Hellermans helped organize a walk to raise money for an organization in Guatemala called Common Hope. Pictured are family, friends and fellow parishioners.
UPCOMING EVENTS First Saturday Devotions Saturday, June 4 — Our Lady of the Angels 7:45 a.m., Confessions 8 a.m., Adoration 8:30 a.m., Rosary 9 a.m., Mass Searching Souls Join other searching souls every Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Centre for Christ for videos and small group discussions with a different topic each week to grow in our Catholic faith together! Call 320-761-3590 for more information. Join and “like” the Searching Souls Ministries Facebook Group to see what is happening! June 6 — Vatican ll Gaudium et Specs June 13 — Immaculate Heart of Mary June 20 — Sacred Heart of Jesus June 27 — Divine Will; Roman Kulzer will be sharing with us again
HFS Endowment Golf Tournament — Tuesday, June 7 St. Alexius proud to host our annual VBS — June 6-9 We will be “Parachuting with the Angels” from 5:30-8 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Supper 6 p.m. Music 6:30 p.m. Lesson 7:30 p.m. Outdoor/group activity VBS Mass celebration — Sunday, June 12 8:30 a.m. at St. Alexius. For all youth in grades preschool through sixth grade. All are welcome to join! It’s sure to be a great time! With questions, please contact Renee Schultz at 320-360-5864, Brittney Pallow at 320-250-0509 or Christina Rousslang at 320-980-0475.
Knights of Columbus Meeting — Tuesday, June 14 7 p.m. (6:30 p.m. Rosary) St. Paul’s Church Basement Corpus Christi Procession When: On the Feast of Corpus Christi — Sunday, June 19 Where: Begin at OLA, walk down Ash St. to St. Paul’s Church and walk back to OLA (with Benediction, Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, singing) Time: Immediately following the 10:30 a.m. Mass at OLA Who: All six Parish Cluster Churches and anyone else wanting to participate, especially inviting ALL those who just recently received their First Holy Communion and their families.
All members of our Parishes on the Prairie are welcome to join us for these events!