S T. A L E X I U S - O U R L A D Y O F T H E A N G E L S - S T. PA U L ’S
Children’s Liturgy of the Word Volunteer Tori Marthaler Grateful to Share the Faith With Our Little Ones
ome of the littlest parishioners among us may have trouble sitting, listening, and staying in one spot for an hour. Sometimes, the readings can be a little hard for them to understand. During the school year, children at our parishes can step out of Mass from the start of the readings through the offertory to be with other kids and listen to a more age-appropriate Gospel and lesson. Children’s Liturgy of the Word, or CLW, is for ages three to pre-First Communion. During CLW, kids hear a child-specific lesson and have a chance to color or do a project while listening to music from Vacation Bible School. Tenth-grader Tori Marthaler has been volunteering with CLW at St. Paul’s Parish for about six months. Her friend, Serena Middendorf, also helps out. It all started when Tori brought her little cousins to CLW. Coordinator Katherine Mackedanz asked Tori if she wanted to
teach — she shadowed a few times then took over. “I love how excited the kids are to be involved,” Tori says. “It’s fun to see how they understand it when it’s put in their terms.” The Catholic faith is important to Tori — and it runs in the family. Her mother, Jean, is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Her dad, Todd, and brother, Spencer, are both ushers. Tori also helps with Vacation Bible School in the summer. At St. Paul’s, CLW is held in the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, which is closed during that time. The kids start by lighting a battery-operated candle. Tori says she loves seeing how excited the kids are to light the candle. “It’s just important to help these little kids so they can keep growing in the faith,” Tori says. “Then, they can go on and teach the next group of little kids.”
Tori Marthaler loved being with 14,000 other Catholics at the National Catholic Youth Conference.
Sauk Centre students got to spend time with the bishop.
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