Embracing Prayer and Discovering Stewardship
o stranger to the Our Lady of the Angels Lord, my eyes were opened to seeing different needs community, Janet Zenzen has been a member within the parish community that I could contribute of the parish for almost her entire life. She and to and support other areas of the parish.” her husband, Steve, have three adult Currently, Janet continues to parchildren and seven grandchildren. ticipate in the Teen Intercessory Considering her lifelong ties to Prayer Ministry and leads the Our Lady of the Angels the Rosary before Sunday community, Janet sees Masses. She particularly how blessed she is to loves these prayer-based continue to be a part ministries as they have of the community that laid the foundation for provided her with deepening her faith such a strong Catholic life. In addition, she upbringing. serves as a lector, is on “I am incredibly the ACC Leadership blessed that my parents Team, and is in her laid such a strong founfirst year as a member dation for my Catholic of the Stewardship Comfaith,” Janet says. “I had mittee. Looking back, she the opportunity to attend sees how deepening her Holy Family School growing faith life has led to deeper up and that, partnered with formation opportunities and Mass on Sundays, taught me greater love of her faith. Janet Zenzen and her youngest grandchild, Vaida Berscheit the importance of the faith in “Last summer I had the our daily lives.” opportunity to go to the Msgr. When stewardship was introduced to the Our McGread Stewardship Conference in Wichita, Kan.,” Lady of the Angels community, Janet signed up to Janet says. “The conference really opened my eyes support teens in the community through intercesto how stewardship is a way of life and why it is sory prayer. This commitment to pray for the youth critical to your relationship with God. Stewardship of the parish became the starting point for entering isn’t an obligation — it’s gratitude to the Lord for deeper into a relationship with our Lord. the gifts He has given us and we, in turn, use them “Soon after I began supporting the Teen Intercesto serve others.” sory Prayer Ministry, I signed up to lead the Rosary Through her journey — particularly leading the before Mass on Sundays,” she says. “That was the Rosary before Mass — Janet has found the importance beginning of my deeper involvement within the continued on back cover community. Through prayer and listening to the
“I am blown away by how my participation in parish life has transformed me since I made specific commitments to prayer. I invite and encourage people to pick a ministry to pray about and be willing to listen to God’s plan.” — Janet Zenzen