3 minute read
We are familiar with the Gospel of Matthew, where people bring children to Jesus to be blessed. The disciples scold them, but Jesus chimes in, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (19:14).
As parents, we need to listen to Jesus in the Gospel and do everything we can to bring Jesus to the little ones in our care. Our annual Vacation Bible School (VBS), held at the Centre for Christ, is a perfect opportunity to bring children closer to Jesus. Children, teens, and adults are needed to make the week a success.
This year’s VBS program will run from 6 to 8:30 p.m. from June 6 to 9. Children going into Kindergarten through fifth grade are welcome to join the fun. Anyone older than that is needed as a volunteer.
Paula Bromenshenkel has been volunteering for VBS for many years. Two of her daughters, Emily and Addison, also help out. Paula takes photos during the week, helps with crafts, and fills in where needed.
“It’s just so fun to see a different perspective of the faith than what we maybe see at Mass,” Paula says. “You can really experience the faith through the eyes of a child at VBS.”
With everything that has gone on in the past two years, it can be hard to have joy. But our youngest Christians still carry that joy and excitement for Christ with them. For adults, it’s refreshing to witness.
“One can’t help but come alive in His glory when the generations unite for Him,” says Amy Trisko, Director of Faith Formation.
VBS is so fun for the kids because everything is broken up into stations that follow a theme. Children sing songs, play games, do crafts, eat a snack, hear a Bible story, learn about a saint and watch a movie. Each evening starts with music and a message. Without a doubt, Paula’s favorite is the music.
“Hearing all those kids sing is so beautiful,” Paula says. “They are so excited to sing about God, and I love it.”
Paula and Amy would love to see more teens and adults get involved with VBS. Paula’s daughters thoroughly enjoy VBS week. As Catholics, we must do everything we can to pass on the faith to the next generation. There’s no better way than spending a few evenings in June with our littlest Catholics — you won’t regret it!
“You don’t need to be a parent of a VBS attendee to get involved,” Amy says. “All parishioners are invited.”
Registration forms will be sent home with Faith Formation and Holy Family School students, and are also available on centreforchrist.org. If you would like to volunteer for VBS, please contact Amy Trisko at amy@centreforchrist.org.

Children enjoy a Bible story during the 2021 VBS program.

VBS games are always a big hit!

Children enjoy singing and dancing at the 2021 VBS program.