St. Francis Solanus Catholic Church — February 2022

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St. Francis Solanus

m o n t h l y n e w s l e tt e r

Introducing O ur N ewest P arochial V icar

Fr. Rafal Pyrchla:

Inside This Issue: 3

Celebrating God’s Love


An Update on Our Sister Parishes in Alaska


How Can We Model the Faith for Our Children?


Meet Marcia Steinkamp: Outgoing Stewardship Council Chair Ready to Pass the Torch

FEB/MAR 2022


A Priest with a Missionary Heart

r. Rafal Pyrchla’s life bears testimony to all of the beautiful things that can happen in a young soul when hearty seeds of faith, hope, and charity are planted firmly within. “I have felt a calling to the priesthood ever since I was a child,” says Fr. Rafal, who joined St. Francis Solanus parish as a Parochial Vicar this past fall. “I always wanted to become a priest and my main goal was to be like my hometown pastor in Poland. I really liked him and I admired what he was doing. He was very pious and he prayed a lot. I was also realFr. Rafal Pyrchla’s life bears ly impressed by my mother’s piety. She was a testimony to all of the beautiful things that can happen in a woman of deep prayer. My father died when young soul when hearty seeds I was 8 years old and she raised four boys by of faith, hope and charity are herself.” planted firmly within. By being surrounded by enriching Catholic family traditions and Catholic culture, these seeds continued on page 2

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