A Community Embracing Lent, Looking Toward Easter Dear Parishioners,
t’s almost Easter time, but we’re not there yet. Let’s dig in on these last days of Lent. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving ought to define our lives in these last days of the season. Easter will be here soon, but it’s not here yet. In this issue of our stewardship newsletter, I’m so pleased to introduce our newest staff member, Rob Ponce. Rob has been an active member of the Stillwater Catholic Community for many years and recently came to us from his job in information technology at OSU. He brings a lively faith, knowledge of video and social media, and websites too. If you follow us on social media, look at our website, or read the bulletin, you’ve already seen the difference Rob is making. Communications is a vital piece of an active and evangelizing parish. We are in good hands with Rob! Speaking of evangelization, our New Parishioner Welcoming Committee focuses on something that
is supremely important in the life of any parish — hospitality. When new parishioners join either through RCIA, moving into the parish, or returning to the practice of their faith, a warm welcome is essential. This committee reaches out and hosts a dinner for new parishioners. As we come out of COVID, these efforts will only intensify. If this is a ministry that moves your heart, I hope you will join up. Let’s have a great April as we move towards Holy Week and a beautiful celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection. In Christ,
Very Rev. Brian O’Brien Pastor, St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church