St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Newsletter — August 2020

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Saint Francis F rancis Xavier CATHOLIC CHURCH Joyfully Supporting the Mission of St. John Catholic Student Center Contents: 2 Stewardship’s “Supreme Teacher” Following Christ’s Example

3 Even in the Face

of Crisis, Stewardship Never Takes a Break

4 Connecting in

Stewardship and Fellowship: The Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfasts

6 The Faith Journey

of St. Genesius

7 The High School

Lunch Ministry Spreading the Love of Christ, One Home-Cooked Meal at a Time


“Carrying to This World a Ray of His Light”


uring his 2013 World Youth Day address, Pope Francis spoke the following words to millions of young Catholics: “You, too, dear young people, can be joyful witnesses of His love, courageous witnesses of His Gospel, carrying to this world a ray of His light.” This heartfelt message encourages young people to participate fully in the faith and reassures all of us that we can expect great things from the future of our Church. With this in mind, campus ministry programs seek to keep Catholic college students engaged with their faith. Here at St. Francis Xavier, we are happy to help our neighbor, St. John Catholic Student Center, fulfill this important mission! Students gather for the St. John “We have a number of parishioners who Catholic Student Center Sunday Mass. work or volunteer at the St. John Catholic Student Center,” says Fr. Brian O’Brien. “The biggest ministry St. Francis Xavier parishioners provide is food. Food for college students is a big draw and a big way to build community. We also have parishioners who serve on the St. John Finance Council and the St. John Building Committee, and our priests frequently cover continued on back cover

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