St. Leo's Catholic Parish Community Newsletter — April 2022

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Parish Community

Finding a Faith and Stewardship Home in Our Parish



an Boroff recalls that he grew up as a “front-pew Lutheran.” He practiced his Lutheran faith for years, even as his wife, Kathy, practiced hers at St. Leo’s. The couple has been married for about 10 years. For a few years after their marriage, Dan had been thinking about becoming Catholic, which came as a surprise to Kathy. Dan had even attended St. Leo’s when he and Kathy were dating — parishioners were always inviting him to become Catholic and he always felt welcome. So, he jumped in by going through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process in 2017 and entered into the Catholic faith in 2018. “Father has asked me what I like here and why I became Catholic,” Dan says. “I say, ‘I feel like I’m home here.’” A member at St. Leo’s for more than 30 years, Kathy attended RCIA classes with Dan and found that she was learning so much through it. Dan enjoyed the RCIA process so much that he now teaches it and attends every Thursday night. “Teaching RCIA took me out of my comfort zone,” Dan says. “It was a big step to teach. It has changed me so much and has given me more confidence in myself. I feel I am really doing what God wants by teaching.” continued on back cover

Inside APRIL 2022


Teaching By Example The Importance of Prayer in a Child’s Life


All Things and All People Are Made New


Higher Ground Retreats An Invitation for the Youth of Our Diocese to Encounter Christ


Responding to the Glory of Christ’s Resurrection at Easter


Meet Dan and Kathy Boroff Finding a Faith and Stewardship Home in Our Parish

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