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Motherhood at Middle Age: Moms of Older Children Invited to Share in Fellowship, Prayer & Formation

We often recognize that moms of young children need support and a space to be together. But motherhood doesn’t necessarily become easier when children get older. Here at St. Mary on the Hill, we have an opportunity for moms of older children to gather and share in fellowship. Motherhood at Middle Age — or MAMAs — meets at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of the month in the parish Senior Center. The group has been meeting monthly for about three years.

The MAMA group’s primary goal is to offer a space for moms of older children to socialize, grow in faith and pray. Currently, about five to 10 women gather each month.


“This group helps me to see that I am not alone in some of the things that I am dealing with, with my children,” says Kathy Wagner, a current MAMAs member. “It’s a sounding board to talk through things with others.” continued on back cover

Some of the group members used to gather when their children were little. All these years later, they have added members and have reconnected in a new stage of motherhood. Katie Conner and Rhonda Wallace decided to start the group again.

“Now, we are at the stage where our children are maybe getting married, having children and just have other adult things happening,” Kathy says. “We are here supporting each other in a different stage.”

The MAMAs group is flexible about how to spend their time together. They currently socialize and watch and discuss a video from The Wild Goose series on the Holy Spirit. Then, they pray together for whatever intentions they each have. Most importantly, they are there to support one another.

“We enjoy this film series because we all know we need the Holy Spirit,” Kathy says.

Anyone with older children is welcome to join the MAMAs group.

“It’s just so good to have people around you who are good and faithful,” Kathy says. “They are there to help you without judgment.”

MAMAs meets at the parish Senior Center on the second Monday of the month at 7 p.m.

Some of the members of the MAMAs group

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