2 minute read
Sunday Scripture and Prayer Group: Praising God and Growing in Faith and Fellowship
Have you ever gone to Mass on Sunday and come home, wondering what the homily was even about? Did you ever feel a little pang of guilt that the whole Sacrifice of the Mass just seemed to pass by you, with one distraction after another taking away your attention?
If so, you may want to think about coming to the Sunday Scripture and Prayer Group.
“Going to the Sunday Scripture and Prayer Group makes Sunday Mass a much more meaningful experience for me,” says JoAnn Nance, who coordinates the group. “Because we review the upcoming Sunday readings together, it is easier for me to pay attention during Mass. I look forward to hearing the priest’s perspective and listening to their homily.”
The Sunday Scripture and Prayer Group is offered every Thursday at 7 p.m. at Fr. Charlie’s House. During their meetings, in addition to reflecting on the readings together, they also sing and offer up specific prayer intentions. JoAnn refers to biblical commentary in a workbook designed for lectors as well.
“We praise God and grow in our faith together,” JoAnn says. “It is so helpful to see what each person is thinking about the scriptures and learn from each one of them. It really helps my spiritual life.”
The group was started many years ago to help others to deepen their understanding of God’s Word and their appreciation of Sunday Mass.
“We are trying to reintroduce this group and get it going again,” JoAnn says. “It helps to have a group like this in our parish because it strengthens our whole faith community. It is beneficial to have smaller groups that gather to share the Catholic Faith and pray together. It brings to life the stewardship pillar of prayer through the Holy Spirit.” To those who may be interested in coming, JoAnn has some encouraging comments to share.
“Being part of this group gives you a chance to get to know the readings well, and not just hear them once at Mass and say, ‘Oh, that is nice.’ The in-depth discussions help us realize what the scriptures mean to us as individuals, and how we can apply them to our daily lives.”