St. Peter Catholic Church Newsletter — August 2020

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AUGUST | 2020

CONTENT PAGE 2 The Assumption of Mary: A Time to Celebrate!

Aug. 15

PAGE 3 Understanding God’s Gift of Time PAGE 4 Growing Closer to God At Home: Family Faith

Formation PAGE 6 The Faith Journey of St. Genesius PAGE 7 Becoming Stewards of Our Bodies Through the Exercise Ministry

MEET OUR ALTAR LINEN LADIES Glorifying God Through Humble Service


or most people who attend Mass regularly, there is some awareness of the many pieces that come together to create a beautiful experience of prayer each Sunday. The priest, the choir, the readers, the ushers, altar servers and the Eucharistic Ministers — each has a unique role in aiding the parish community as they worship. But there is one group whose service

to the liturgy often goes unnoticed. Yet without their humble efforts, our experience of Mass would be very different. They are our Altar Linen Ladies. “You just don’t realize all the things that need to happen, all the ins and outs, in order to make the parish run, and I like just being one little piece of that,” says parishioner Angie Hancox, who has helped care for the altar linens for the past 15 years. “It just makes me feel good that I can help out.” Each week, one of the women who is a part of this ministry stops by the church to pick up the altar linens — the purificators, which are cloths used to wipe the chalice after someone receives the Precious Blood, and hand towels used during Mass — to wash, iron

and fold them for the following week’s liturgies. As someone who also serves as a Eucharistic Minister, Angie enjoys seeing the way that her service helps to bring a sense of honor to the Eucharist, ensuring that the linens are well cared for. “It feels good to know we’re helping out with ‘behind the scenes’ stuff, but it’s front and center at Mass,” Angie says. “We want to make sure [the purificators] look nice and they don’t have a hole in them or have a stains on them.” For many years, Angie, who works as a nurse, struggled to find a ministry that fit with her schedule. When she was asked to help with the altar linens, she discovered it was a great way for her to give back. continued on back cover

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