FEB | 2022
CONTENT PAGE 2 How Can We Model the Faith for Our Children? PAGE 3 The Word of God: How Do We Hear It?
And How Do We Respond to It?
PAGE 4 The Soup and a Smile Ministry PAGE 6 Valentine’s Day
The Feast of a Christian Martyr
PAGE 7 The Sunshine Crew
ENTERING INTO THE LENTEN SEASON An Opportunity to Renew Our Faith and Draw Strength from the Eucharist
any Lenten practices that we foster within our families today will stay with our children throughout their lives. In one small, but tangible example, Fr. Leo Enlow vividly remembers abstinence on Fridays during his childhood and the butter rolls that were his breakfast staple. “We used to go to Mass on Fridays as kids at our Catholic school, and after Mass, for a dime at the cafeteria, we’d have these beautiful butter rolls and milk,” Fr. Leo says. “My mom would also make me a fried egg sandwich for lunch on Friday. I definitely remember those days of fasting and abstinence as a child.” During the Lenten season, St. Peter offers us many opportunities to plan an intentional spiritual journey and foster Lenten practices such as prayer, fasting, and abstinence. “This year I’m hoping that together we will renew ourselves in the Eucharist,” Fr. Leo says. “During the pandemic, we have been away from the Eucharist and Mass, and many people have stayed away. It is
Lent provides us with a valuable opportunity for spiritual renewal as we solemnly reflect and prepare for the joy of Easter.
time to come back to the Eucharist.” To foster our renewed love and reverence for continued on page 5