St. Peter Catholic Church Newsletter — February 2022

Page 7

THE SUNSHINE CREW Fostering Community and Connection with Our Homebound Parishioners

Jodi McDonald started the Sunshine Crew with a heart for all members of our parish community.


ivine Mercy can be defined as God’s love reaching down to meet the needs and overcome the miseries of His people. We learn from this love and respond in kind by showing mercy to others. The Church gives us the Corporal Works of Mercy as a place to start when we are

looking to share God’s mercy with others. One such Corporal Work of Mercy is “visiting the sick and imprisoned.” Unfortunately, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, visiting the sick has not always been possible — and because those who are sick or elderly are at

an increased risk for serious complications from COVID-19, the number of people who are seemingly “imprisoned” in their homes has greatly increased. It was with a heart for community members such as these that parishioner Jodi McDonald started the Sunshine Crew. “I was on a walk with my good friend Gina Bergman one day — we were talking about these people stuck in nursing homes who couldn’t see their families and had little to no contact with the outside world,” Jodi says. “It is the same with our homebound parishioners. We had this idea and just decided to start it!” The Sunshine Crew is a letterwriting ministry. During Lent and Advent, parishioners sign up to write to a homebound person each week. “It is as simple as sending a card saying, ‘I’m thinking about you and praying for you,’” Jodi says. “We encourage people to share about themselves and their families. There are no rules except to send weekly.” Sometimes the recipients will send letters back, but oftentimes they are unable. Some of the people who have signed up continue writing through the whole year. For those who are homebound, the Sunshine Crew provides one valuable way that they keep in continued on back cover


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