St. Peter Catholic Church Newsletter — May 2022

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Lovingly Interceding for Our St

Moms Are Praying is a parish ministry that began in 1990 by mothers of students at St. Peter School. The group is currently led by Susan Peters, who joined in 2005 when the first of her four daughters enrolled in the school.



ntercession is an important way in which we can accompany one another, carrying each other’s burdens to the Lord, relying on His unfailing love and mercy. We can all use prayer warriors by our sides, and for the students and teachers at St. Peter School, a group of women has dedicated themselves to be these warriors. Moms Are Praying is a parish ministry that began in 1990 by mothers of students at St. Peter School. The group is currently led by Susan Peters, who joined in 2005 when the first of her four daughters enrolled in the school. “We just love the bond that we have as a small group and enjoy coming together each week and praying for each other’s families, our school, common struggles, and common themes that we share weekly,” Susan says. Each week, students in first through eighth grade are asked to write their prayer intentions on forms, which are then collected by one of the

moms on Thursday morning, right before the 8 a.m. meeting of the prayer group in the Martha Jane Room. Students’ intentions often include their pets and parents, sick family members, personal intentions such as freedom from anxiety, and prayers for our sister parish in Haiti and the children who attend school at Chaddock, a nearby non-profit. Students also write prayers of thanksgiving, giving thanks to the Lord. Susan estimates that she collects about 150 to 200 prayer intentions every Thursday. She carries them in a bag and then divides them into piles to distribute to each woman who comes to pray. Meetings begin with a general prayer, followed by a reading from a devotional. Then each woman reads her stack of intentions aloud to the group before saying a prayer. Members also include their own personal prayer intentions when it’s their turn to pray. Meetings typically last an

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