St. Peter Catholic Church Newsletter — May 2022

Page 7

TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK Extending Gratitude to the Educators of Our Parish School


hen it comes to celebrations, May is always a special month. It’s the month of Mary, and it’s the time when we celebrate Mother’s Day. We also celebrate St. Joseph the Worker, the earthly father of Jesus, and St. Philip Neri, the patron saint of laughter and joy, to name a few. During the month of May at St. Peter School, we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week. The Grade School Association (GSA) takes the first week of May to treat the teachers. In addition, parent volunteers fill in for recess and lunch duties so teachers can enjoy a catered lunch one day. This allows staff members to eat all together, which doesn’t happen on a regular day. Principal Cindy Venvertloh says every day could be a day to celebrate the fantastic teachers at St. Peter School. She truly appreciates each teacher for the gifts they contribute to the St. Peter School family. “These ladies and gentlemen work very hard here,” Mrs. Venvertloh says. “We want to appreciate them every day. We don’t have the time, though. I hope they truly know how much they are appreciated.” There are various treats and gifts given to

teachers from the GSA all week — from bagels to a daily gift card drawing. One year, a “shout-out” board was initiated so teachers and staff could share their appreciation for one another. Another year, each teacher received their favorite dessert. Mrs. Venvertloh has been in the field of education for 29 years and has served St. Peter School as Assistant Principal for 10 years and Principal for seven. She feels blessed by each teacher with whom she’s had the pleasure to work with through the years. Though some have come and gone, they are always part of the St. Peter School family. “I have an amazing team,” she says. “God has surrounded me with wonderful people.” Mrs. Venvertloh recognizes that the wages here are different from the public school. But that doesn’t change the dedication of these teachers. “They aren’t just working when the kids are here,” she says. “They work all year long and into the evenings. But the teachers truly feel this work is their mission.” The dedication of St. Peter’s teachers is evident by the number of years some have worked at the continued on back cover

Teachers were treated to a Christmas meal by Mrs. Venvertloh and the office staff.


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