St. Timothy Catholic Church Newsletter — January 2022

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A Letter From Our Pastor

January 26 — Sts. Timothy and Titus Dear Friends in Christ,


uring this month, we celebrate our parish’s patronal feast day. Jan. 26 is the Feast of Saints Timothy and Titus. St. Timothy shares this day with St. Titus, two close friends and co-workers with St. Paul on his missionary journeys and pastoral work among the Gentiles. Both served the Church as bishops — Timothy served in Ephesus and Titus went to Crete. Three New Testament letters are addressed to them by St. Paul: two to St. Timothy and one to St. Titus. They are often referred to as the Pastoral Letters. In them, St. Paul gives rulings and advice about the governance of those communities, which were under the threat of false teachers. Guidelines about church organization and about the roles of ministers are also given. By means of this pastoral advice, St. Paul desired to train these men to be good and faithful shepherds of their flocks. Paul tells Timothy: “...I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. So do not be ashamed of your testimony to our Lord…

but bear your share of hardship for the Gospel with the strength that comes from God” (2 Timothy 1: 6-8). So, I extend to all our St. Timothy parish family a happy and holy feast day. Through the intercession of St. Timothy, may we be strong and credible witnesses of our faith to others, never being ashamed of our testimony to our Lord. Because St. Timothy and St. Titus were bishops, let us pray in a special way for our local Bishop Gregory Parkes and for all bishops, that they may be inspired by the life and witness of these holy pastors as they strive to be good and faithful shepherds of the flocks entrusted to their pastoral care. Saints Timothy and Titus, pray for us. Sincerely yours in Christ,

Fr. John Blum Pastor


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