W h at d o Y o u se e k ? 2022 Stewardship Renewal
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
CONVERSION TO S T E WA R D S H I P Although man can forget God or reject Him, He never ceases to call every man to seek Him, so as to find life and happiness. But this search for God demands of man every effort of intellect, a sound will, an upright heart, as well as the witness of others who teach him to seek God” CCC para. 30. In the light of stewardship, we see life as God intended it to be lived. God created us for a reason — to be with Him forever in heaven. He created other things on earth to help us achieve this goal. Consequently, we should use earthly things to seek to grow closer to God or remove them if they are a hindrance. One could say that the “conversion to stewardship” comes when we truly believe that everything we have should be used for God’s purposes. This is the life of the steward.
“Being a disciple is not just something else to do, alongside many other things suitable for Christians; it is a total way of life and requires continuing conversion.” From Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response
Seeking Christ with our Time Unlike our talents, which can be cultivated by practice, or our money, which can be recouped by more work, our time is limited and cannot be regained. This is one reason it is so important for us to use our time on earth wisely. How we spend our time reveals what it is we truly seek. Ask yourself — where does God fit in? What do you seek with the use of your time?
Each time we pray, we invite God into our lives at that moment, strengthening the foundation that we stand upon. During this year’s Stewardship Renewal, will you seek to strengthen your relationship with God?
Strengthening Your Prayer Life Pope Francis encourages all to spend time in prayerful study of the scriptures, asking God what He would have you learn about Him and His will for your life through His Word. Go before Him in the Blessed Sacrament in Adoration, giving Him thanks for the good things He has brought to your life and asking for help in the challenges. Research the lives of the saints, read their works, and ask God for the grace to live as they did. Utilize Catholic phone and tablet apps such as iBreviary, Magnificat, Divine Office or The Pope App to pray and learn more about our Catholic faith.
Seeking Christ with our Minds
The work of stewardship and evangelization always begins at home — “home” in our own hearts, and then the “home” of our parish. Of course, a faithful steward seeks Christ by sharing his or her talents in service to others. But an important step toward growing closer to Christ is through a personal commitment to a life of seeking Him through formation in the faith. As Catholic adults, our continued formation is a talent we must cultivate for our entire lives. Whether it is regularly reading scripture, attending scripture study classes, participating in retreats, or engaging in meaningful discussions on the faith with our Catholic friends and fellow parishioners, there are many ways we can grow in our faith. There is no doubt we live in a world dominated by technology. This can pull us away from the spiritual life. Yet it can also be used to help us seek Christ. Thanks to the Internet and a multitude of “apps,” we have a seemingly endless supply of formational opportunities. Ultimately, by seeking Christ in our own personal formation, we in turn will have something more meaningful to give back to our loved ones, our parish family, and the wider community.
Seek Christ by Deepening Your Faith Search usccb.org (the website for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) or vatican.va (the website for the Holy See) for the daily readings, documents regarding faith and morality, and wisdom from Pope Francis. Read one paragraph from the Catechism every day. Seek out answers to the questions you’ve had about our faith by talking to priests and knowledgeable parishioners. Participate in faith formation opportunities available at our parish.
Seeking Christ with our Possessions
Just as time and talents are gifts from God, so too, are material things, or Treasure. And just as the use of our time and talent reflect what we are seeking, so too, does the use of our treasure. God has a plan for every aspect of your life, including your finances. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (2404) tells us to be “stewards of providence,” and calls us to use our resources not just for our own good, but for the good of God’s work in the Church. Creating a personal budget is one way to apply God’s principles to our finances and become better managers of the resources He has entrusted to us. We must learn how to take the gifts God has given us — our skills, our abilities, and our income — and use them to seek after His work. Our parish invites each family to give 10% of its gross income to God 5% through the offertory and 1% to the diocese and other worthy causes — to give according to the scriptural tithe. In order to accomplish this goal, however, we also must learn how to manage the remaining 90%. By setting goals, creating a budget and sticking to the plan, and most importantly coming to a greater understanding of the role generosity plays in our financial and spiritual lives, we can all exercise good stewardship of our treasure. Will you work toward seeking Christ through a specific, percentage-based commitment to Him through the offertory?
2022 MINISTRY LISTINGS Hospitality Bereavement Ministry
Members of this ministry are presented with opportunities to be present to families who are dealing with the loss of a family member. Members support bereaved families by preparing and serving meals after funeral services at St. Vincent de Paul. Members of this team prepare, set up, serve receptions following a funeral, and then clean up following the reception. Through their good work, families are able to spend time remembering their family member and offering comfort to each other during a very difficult time. The team members’ caring and compassionate efforts are a source of comfort and support to the family and friends of the deceased. Contact: Mary Walton, 817-805-1674, bereavement@svdpcc.org; Kay Christian, kayxian@sbcglobal.net
Empty Nesters
This is a social group of parishioners who no longer have children or dependents at home requiring parental supervision. They gather to enjoy each other’s company with a number of activities such as dining out, game nights, movies and theatre, or even listening to music at Levitt Pavilion. Contact: Janice Noce, 817-483-7625, emptynesters@svdpcc.org
Fall Festival
During the fall, around Halloween, a twohour festival is held for children in sixth
grade and younger with games, prizes and treats. Helpers of all ages are needed to decorate at the church and to run the games, crafts and snack bar. Join us for family, fellowship and fun. Contact: Ines Roach, 817-874-4165, fallfestival@svdpcc.org; Mindy Magana, mmagana@appliedmedical.com
Golf Ministry
Each Tuesday of the year, golfing parishioners challenge the golf courses of the area while enjoying camaraderie, Christian fellowship and a little bit of exercise! The men of the Golf Ministry provide support to St. Vincent de Paul by exercising leadership and participation in the various activities of the parish, contributions to the St. Vincent de Paul Alms program, and maintenance and improvements to the parish grounds. Contact: Charlie Reilly, golfministry@svdpcc.org
Grace Ministry
Members of this group meet monthly to write cards to parishioners who are ill or have experienced a death in the family, as a beautiful reminder that although they may be in the midst of suffering, they are not forgotten. Contact: Pru Brett, 817-478-8206, graceministry@svdpcc.org
The role of the greeter is one of offering a friendly welcoming presence to those entering the outer doors of the church,
and answering any questions they might have about the liturgy or the parish. This is a great opportunity for families to serve together and welcome others with a smile. Contact: greeters@svdpcc.org
This is a women-to-women or men-tomen ministry. Contact: Maureen Vega, 817-429-6136, prisonministry@svdpcc.org; Deacon Bruce Corbett, bcorbett@svdpcc.org
Grief Support Ministry
Saintly Seniors Activities
In nine weekly sessions beginning in mid-January and mid-August, those who have lost a loved one can meet, share, talk and listen with those who understand and care. Supporting one another through this ministry is a beautiful way to reach out as Christ’s hands to those in need. The sessions meet on Tuesday evenings. Contact: Pam Heroux, 817-919-9563, griefsupport@svdpcc.org
Las Posadas
Posada means “lodging” or “special journey.” Each year we commemorate Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. At Las Posadas, there is a reenactment play followed by a dinner and some traditional Hispanic entertainment (Mariachi and Matachines). This event celebrates an honored and revered Hispanic tradition. Ministers help with planning and organizing the evening’s events — they set up, cook, serve and direct the play. Contact: Linda Hernandez, 817-657-3667, lasposadas@svdpcc.org
Prison Ministry
This ministry provides fellowship and fun for those who are retired, age 65plus. Saintly Seniors gather from noon2 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month to play Bingo. Contact: saintlyseniors@svdpcc.org
Second Sunday
The weekend of the second Sunday of every month, we gather for fellowship and fun after all the Masses. This ministry provides a time to relax and get to know our fellow parishioners while enjoying refreshments and other activities. Contact: 2ndsunday@svdpcc.org
Stephen Ministry
This ministry provides someone to confidentially listen, encourage, pray, and provide emotional and spiritual support to those going through a life crisis. Special training is required and provided for those who choose to minister in this arena. Opportunities for training vary each year. If you are in need of a Stephen Minister, please contact us. Contact: Marilyn Dietrich, 817-457-1658, stephenministry@svdpcc.org
“I was in prison and you visited me” (Matthew 25:36). Your participation in the St. Vincent de Paul Prison Ministry will allow you to respond to this call of Jesus through visiting and/ or mentoring with women and men incarcerated in the prison environment.
Ushers serve a dual role as ministers of hospitality and ministers of order. Ushers welcome parishioners to the church, keep order at liturgical celebrations, take attendance, collect the offerings and assist those in need. Contact: Tim Tucker, 817-465-3968, usher@svdpcc.org
Prayer Acolytes
Acolytes are installed, or instituted, by the bishop of a diocese to assist the priest or deacon. The acolyte has specific liturgical duties by rubric. If needed, he helps the priest or deacon to purify the sacred vessels following Communion. By virtue of institution, the acolyte is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Contact: Wayne Sulak, 817-360-5922, acolyte@svdpcc.org
Altar Servers
Altar servers may be fourth grade and older who assist the Presider during liturgical celebrations. Individuals must be baptized and have received their First Eucharist. Training is provided before being assigned. Contact: Wayne Sulak, 817-360-5922, altarservers@svdpcc.org
Art and Environment Committee
Members of this committee develop and implement the décor and ambiance in the liturgical space to enhance the worship experience of the parishioners based on the liturgical seasons of the year (Advent, Christmastide, Lent, Easter, etc.). This committee needs creative individuals to plan for the beauty of the sanctuary, some to help place the décor,
and some to water and maintain the plants. You do not have to be an artist to serve in this group — just a desire to beautify our worship space. Contact: Anne LaMere, artsnenviro@svdpcc.org
Devotional Ministry
The goal of this ministry is to encourage and promote opportunities for communal prayer in order to deepen the faith life of the parish. These include but are not limited to the 7 p.m. Tuesday evening Rosary, the funeral Rosary when requested, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and Stations of the Cross during Lent. Contact: Beverly Keiser, 817-300-1084, devotional@svdpcc.org; Mary Ann Witzberger, witzma@juno.com
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest and deacon to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass. These ministers are to be practicing Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Training is provided by the parish before serving in this ministry. Contact: Bobby Gutierrez, 817-478-8206, eme@svdpcc.org; Kevin Brett, kbrett1996@sbcglobal.net
Hospital and Homebound Visitation Ministry
This ministry allows you to be present in a special way to those who are sick and/or unable to attend Mass for health reasons or mobility issues. In serving through the Hospital and Homebound Visitation Ministry, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion regularly visit and bring
the Blessed Sacrament to those who are hospitalized, in nursing homes within our parish boundary, and/or homebound. Service in this ministry provides you with a beautiful opportunity to bring Christ to His people in a very real way, as well as to simply be present to those who are suffering in some way. Contact: Ray Brett, 817-478-8206, hospital@svdpcc.org
Music Ministry: Adult Choir
The members of this ministry add prayerful support and beauty to our parish liturgies by supporting the assembly in song with their voices and enhancing the music with harmonies and solos. The Adult Choir sings year-round at the Mass of their choice. It is open to anyone high school age or older. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings, 7-9 p.m. Contact: Bob Ellis, 817-907-1377, musicministry@svdpcc.org; Kevin Keil, 817-478-8206, ext. 235, kkeil@svdpcc.org
Music Ministry: Cantor/Psalmist
Cantors and psalmists are drawn from members of the choir. Anyone interested in being a cantor/psalmist should first join the choir and then audition with the director. Contact: Donna Simpson, 817-946-8968
Music Ministry: Children’s Choir
The children’s choir sings during multiple liturgies from November through Easter Sunday. It is open to anyone from third through sixth grades. Rehearsals will be on Sunday afternoons. Kevin Keil, 817-478-8206, ext. 235, kkeil@svdpcc.org
Music Ministry: Instrumentalists
Instrumentalists enhance the music at Mass by adding solo instrument parts to the
singing, as well as solo performances. This ministry is available to any instrumentalist (e.g. flute, guitar, violin, etc.) who has played their instrument for at least two years. Contact: Bob Ellis, 817-907-1377, musicministry@svdpcc.org
Prayer Chain Ministry
Members of this ministry offer support to parishioners and the community through the power of prayer. They may be contacted when a parish member, or a member’s friends or family are afraid, alone, sick or facing a crisis. Members are asked to agree to a vow of confidentiality. The form of prayer is left to the discretion of the individual ministry member. Contact: Marilyn Dietrich, 817-457-1658, prayerchain@svdpcc.org
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Members of this ministry knit or crochet prayer shawls, which are blessed and given to someone who is suffering in body, mind or spirit. We mainly give these shawls to people in our parish, but we do reach out to those beyond our parish, as well. This is also a great opportunity to fellowship with others who have a love of this beautiful hobby, which, in turn, blesses others. Contact: Jan Nelson, 817-496-9646, prayershawl@svdpcc.org
The reader proclaims the Word of God at Mass and other liturgical services. The reader is to read the Scripture in a clear and meaningful way so that everyone can hear and understand what is being proclaimed. Readers are to be practicing Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist. Contact: Larry Hurley, readers@svdpcc.org
The sacristan has the humble but necessary responsibility of preparing the altar and worship space for the congregation and the celebrant to properly and prayerfully celebrate the Mass, and has both pre- and post-Mass duties. Contact: Mary Walton, 817-805-1674, sacristans@svdpcc.org
Vocations Committee
The Vocations Committee promotes vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life, while affirming and supporting those who have already answered the call of service to the Church. Through prayer, Eucharistic Adoration every Friday after Mass, and other programs, we seek to increase awareness within our parish of the shared task of identifying, inviting and nourishing these vocations. Contact: Rhea Johnson, 817-455-7970, vocationsministry@svdpcc.org
Formation CHILDREN: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) Program, otherwise known as “the Atrium,” is a hands-on learning class based on Montessori principles, grounded in our Catholic faith. Adult assistants are needed to help certified CGS catechists with the variety of liturgical materials and lessons presented to and used by the children. The goal of the Atrium is to foster the living relationship between the child and Christ. If an adult assistant would like to become a certified CGS Catechist, training is available. Contact: Michal Tincup, 817-478-8206, ext. 216, mtincup@svdpcc.org
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children from kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to hear the Sunday Scriptures proclaimed and interpreted at their level for each weekend Mass. Opportunities are available to share the lessons with the children. A commitment of one Mass a month is requested. Contact: Michal Tincup, 817-478-8206, ext. 216, mtincup@svdpcc.org
Children Sacramental Preparation
Children are prepared for their first reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion during the year while attending their regular faith formation classes. Both parents and children receive formation in preparation for these sacraments. Catechists, aides and team support ministers provide a faith-filled environment for all. Contact: Michal Tincup, 817-478-8206, ext. 216, mtincup@svdpcc.org
Elementary Faith Formation
One of the best ways to know your faith is to teach it to someone else! Faith Formation is offered to children in first through sixth grade on Sundays (9:15-10:30 a.m. and 10:45-12:00 p.m.) and Wednesdays (5:30-6:45 p.m.) during the school year. Catechists, catechist aids and hall monitors provide for a secure and quality catechetical environment. Leaders are requested to make a commitment for the catechetical period. Training and materials are provided! Contact: Michal Tincup, 817-478-8206, ext. 216, mtincup@svdpcc.org
Preschool Faith Formation
“Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).
Formation classes for preschoolers age 2 through kindergarten are held from 9:1510:30 a.m. on Sundays. A commitment of one year is requested for catechists and aides. Training, lesson plans, supplies, and support are provided for catechists, aides and helpers. Contact: Michal Tincup, 817-478-8206, ext. 216, mtincup@svdpcc.org
RCIA Adapted for Children Team
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Adapted for Children is a process for children age 7 and above who are seeking Baptism or full communion with the Catholic Church to prepare for a lifelong faith journey. Team members journey with the children and their families as sponsors, catechists and companions along the way. Contact: Nicholas Senz, 817-478-8206, ext. 217, nsenz@svdpcc.org
Vacation Bible School
In the summer we offer Vacation Bible School for both preschool and elementaryage children. Vacation Bible School leaders assist with decorations, arts and crafts, snacks, music, group leaders, audiovisual and Bible stories. It’s truly a fun opportunity for all involved! Leader roles are open to adults and teens. Contact: Michal Tincup, 817-478-8206, ext. 216, mtincup@svdpcc.org
YOUTH: RCIA Adapted for Teens Team
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Adapted for Teens is designed for those in their teenage years who are seeking Baptism, First Eucharist or full communion with the Catholic Church to prepare for a lifelong faith journey. Team members support these teenagers in their journey
by serving as sponsors and catechists. Contact: Nicholas Senz, 817-478-8206, ext. 217, nsenz@svdpcc.org
Youth Ministry Core Team
We are a community of young that are a part of the overall Church and set out to create lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ, where each person holds within their hearts as worthy and wonderfully created by God who wants the best for them and delights in who they are. Driven by the Holy Spirit, Youth Ministry aims to root teens in the Church through encounters of accompaniment, discipleship and mission. The Core Team helps implement the night and also has roles in giving talks, giving testimony, leading games and small-group discussion. More importantly, The Core Team is a witness of the living faith. Contact: Mike Stratman, 817-478-8206, ext. 214, mstratman@svdpcc.org
ADULTS: Adult Bible Study
Deepen your faith by going deep into the Word of God in guided sessions of study and discussion. Several Bible studies are offered throughout the year. Meetings take place on Wednesday mornings and Thursday evenings. Childcare is offered for the Wednesday morning sessions. Contact: Rhea Johnson, 817-455-7970, biblestudy@svdpcc.org
Baptismal Preparation Team
Members of this team assist in offering monthly seminars to prepare families for the Baptism of their children and their initiation into the Body of Christ. Training is provided. Contact: Joanne Hubartt, baptism@svdpcc.org; Tiffany and Roger Burns, 817-925-0385, burns.tiffany@sbcglobal.net
Book Club
Parishioners gather to discuss books of interest to Catholic readers. This is a great way to continue forming your intellect and grow in wisdom and knowledge. Contact: Patti Belknap, bookclub@svdpcc.org
Home Study Groups
Opportunities are made available for small, home-based discussion groups throughout the year for continuing adult religious education, spiritual enrichment and fellowship. Join one of the existing home study groups or form your own. Contact: Nicholas Senz, 817-478-8206, ext. 217, nsenz@svdpcc.org
Help to introduce and lead people into the Catholic faith! The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults prepares adults for Baptism and reception into full communion with the Church. Team members help in this discernment process by leading small discussion groups, Breaking Open the Word, sponsoring a catechumen or candidate, serving as a catechist or providing hospitality. Contact: Nicholas Senz, 817-478-8206, ext. 217, nsenz@svdpcc.org
Safe Environment Awareness Facilitator
Facilitators lead the Safe Environment Awareness Sessions for the parishioners of the diocese. As a facilitator, your Safe Environment training needs to be up-todate and have a clear background check. Facilitators are trained by the diocesan Safe Environment department. Facilitators are asked to lead about six sessions each year. Contact: Renée Bader, 817-478-8206, ext. 204, rbader@svdpcc.org
Sponsor Couples
Sponsor couples help prepare engaged couples for the Sacrament of Matrimony by inviting them into meaningful discussions about various aspects of marriage and family life. Contact: Jason and Ines Roach, 817-874-4165, marriageprep@svdpcc.org
The Vineyard
Come for faith, food and fellowship. Weekly sessions with presentations on different topics of the life of faith, including questions and discussions. No registration required, but it is encouraged. Contact: Nicholas Senz, 817-478-8206, ext. 217, nsenz@svdpcc.org
The Vineyard Hospitality Team
Help to create a welcoming environment by putting together a delicious spread of food and drink for our weekly Vineyard sessions. The parish reimburses within reason. Contact: Nicholas Senz, 817-478-8206, ext. 217, nsenz@svdpcc.org
Service Altar Angels
These special people take care of our altar linens — altar cloths, corporals and purificators. Linens are picked up each week, cleaned and brought back to the church. Contact: Barbara Davis, 817-480-4022, altarangels@svdpcc.org
Audio/Visual Ministry
Audio/visual ministers operate the technology involved in offering livestreams for those participating in the Mass online. By providing this service, you are helping to make the Mass accessible to those
parishioners who are not attending the liturgy in-person. We also help set up for overflow as needed for holiday Masses. Technical knowledge is a plus but not required as training will be provided for you. Contact: Maribeth Mata, audiovisual@svdpcc.org
Bear Ministry
Plush teddy bears are collected and distributed to the children at Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth. This is a great opportunity to share a lot of love with some of God’s most precious little children. Contact: Wendy Perez, 817-478-8206, ext. 209, bearcollection@svdpcc.org
Catholic Charities of Arlington (Hope Center)
Our bold vision is to end poverty in our community, one family at a time. We focus on creating solutions to the problems our clients face, we eradicate the barriers that trap people in poverty, and transform the conversation about poverty on the local and national level. Join our mission by serving at the office — providing hospitality to our clients, assisting with appointments in the Hope Center, or volunteering to drive with our Transportation Program! Contact: Marianna Stone, catholiccharities@svdpcc.org
Finance Advisory Council
The Finance Advisory Council is appointed by the pastor, according to the criteria established by the Diocese of Fort Worth. The role of the parish finance council is fiscal stewardship. The parish finance council serves as an advisory body to the pastor in the administration and stewardship of finances, budget, facilities and long-term financial planning.
Openings on the council vary by year. Contact: Gene Livens, financeadvisors@svdpcc.org
Food Cart Ministry
Each Sunday, food baskets are available for parishioners to make donations of non-perishable food items, diapers and toiletries, which are taken to local charities the following Monday. Ministers are needed to collect and deliver items. Simply sharing with those less fortunate can help all of us deepen our sense of thanksgiving for all God has given to us! Contact: Kathleen Polozola, 817-483-7217, foodcart@svdpcc.org
Good Samaritans of the Open Arms Clinic
This ministry attempts to model the corporal work of mercy to comfort the sick, which means first of all to comfort them with something they urgently need, namely proper medical assistance. Consequently, the Good Samaritans of St. Vincent de Paul support and/or participate in the work of the Open Arms Health Clinic, located on Little Road, to provide free, quality and compassionate healthcare to individuals and families with limited access to healthcare. There is something for every Good Samaritan to do. This work takes a “village” — ministers can help by making dinner for the medical team, help translate, pray for the patient’s needs, be a spokesperson for the clinic... the list goes on. The Good Samaritans of the Open Arms Clinic of St. Vincent de Paul invites everyone to share the love of Jesus and His merciful heart to make this clinic in our church neighborhood a place of loving comfort and care. Contact: Jeanette Fitzpatrick, 817-429-6136, openarms@svdpcc.org
Landscape Ministry
This ministry strives to maintain the beautiful flower beds on the property of St. Vincent de Paul. They work year round to keep the plants healthy by making sure they are watered, have nurturance, and that weeds are reduced. It is a very flexible time commitment for individuals, families or groups of people who love digging in the dirt. Contact: Donna Simpson, 817-946-8968, landscape@svdpcc.org
Men’s Club
The purposes and objectives of the St. Vincent de Paul Men’s Club are to aid in the development and growth of the parish, to develop fellowship as a way of life, to promote an active interest in parish and civic affairs, to inspire respect for the law, and to promote patriotism. The Men’s Club has an elected Board of Directors and meets for deliberations on the second Monday of every month. They organize a number of activities for the St. Vincent de Paul community throughout the year, which include the Annual Parish Picnic and the Lenten fish fry events. They also serve the needs of the broader Arlington community through charitable donations and service activities, such as preparing meals for the Arlington Night Shelter. They work towards growing together in Christian fellowship and encouraging each other to live more dynamically for Christ. Contact: Mark Cabal, president@svdpmc.org
Mission Council
Since 2001, the Mission Council has been involved in building chapels, renovating churches and retreat facilities, and providing needed supplies to churches in both other countries and other states. By
coming face-to-face with the poor both at home and abroad, the Mission Council is able to make a difference in the lives of others who we may never meet. This is a great opportunity to embrace the call to reach out to the poorest of the poor and make a difference in the lives of many. Contact: Ross Martinez, missioncouncil@svdpcc.org
Money Counters
Members of this ministry make a careful and accurate counting of our weekly collection of your stewardship of treasure. All collections are counted in accord with the Guidelines of the Diocese of Fort Worth. Teams are made up of four to six members and serve about every five weeks. Members or teams could be asked to serve as substitutes as the need arises. Contact: Laura Crocker, 817-478-8206, ext. 206, lcrocker@svdpcc.org
Noreen’s Nourishment
Prior to March 2020, this ministry has provided hot meals each weekend to families and caregivers of children battling cancer and cystic fibrosis at Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth. We continue to send monetary support to the chaplain who distributes it to the families in need. When the hospital restrictions are lifted, we will resume serving hot meals on Sundays at CCMC. Contact: Amy Minton, 817-229-2388, noreensnourish@yahoo.com; Mindy Magana, mmagana@appliedmedical.com
Office Angels
Members of this ministry are the welcoming smile that greets both parishioners and visitors during office hours Monday through Friday. Their service includes general secretarial duties such
as answering the phone, distributing mail and printing materials. If you have a two or three-hour window of time during the week or would be open to substituting as needed, we invite you to join us. Contact: Debbie Horn, 817-478-8206, officeangels@svdpcc.org
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to feeding, clothing, housing, and healing individuals and families in our community who have nowhere else to turn for help. The society provides meaningful opportunities for ministers to serve their neighbors in need with love and compassion by visiting them face-toface in their homes. We provide help for people’s physical, mental and spiritual needs. By doing this with care and respect, we show them that they matter and they are children of God. Contact: Barbara Christoff, 817-478-8206, ext. 401, societyofsvdp@svdpcc.org
Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee works with the pastor and other parish groups on how to promote the Stewardship Way of Life in all facets of the parish. This is done through the extension of hospitality, promotion of prayer, emphasizing Catholic formation, increasing the activities of service to others, providing direction for the monthly newsletter, hosting quarterly leadership meetings, and sponsoring the annual Stewardship Renewal and Ministry Fair. Contact: David Cooley, stewardship@svdpcc.org
Wedding Coordinators
Wedding coordinators assist engaged couples planning for the wedding, and assist with the wedding rehearsal and coordinating the ceremony on the day of the wedding. Contact: Deacon Bruce Corbett, 817-478-8206, ext. 211, bcorbett@svdpcc.org
Women’s Guild
The Women’s Guild worships God and serves our community through our prayers, good works and fellowship. We seek to serve our members and their families, so that they may come together to learn about, to grow in love and respect for, and to care for each other and our Savior, Jesus Christ. We seek to offer this family environment to others by extending our hearts, hands and prayers to others in times of need, sickness, grief, joy and happiness so that the love of Jesus may take on a real and physical nature. The Women’s Guild accomplishes this mission with a monthly membership dinner, fellowship, social events, support of many parish activities such as the annual Easter Egg Hunt, the Parish Picnic, Fall Festival, Las Posadas, altar flowers, baptismal garments, and support of the Arlington community, such as assisting with Meals on Wheels, Arlington Life Shelter, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and other groups. Contact: Janice Carter, 817-516-0865, womensguild@svdpcc.org
Call to Action
Stewardship is a life-long conversion of heart, mind and soul, so that we are able to receive God’s love and return that love to Him. The better we understand our Catholic faith and our personal role within God’s kingdom, the better equipped we will be to share God’s love and resources — our time, our talent, and our treasure — with others. This year, how will you take the next step in your journey of sharing God’s love through personal formation and conversion? Please bring your completed commitment card to Mass on Feb. 12/13, mail it using the envelope provided or fill it out online at svdpcc.org.
Please keep until Winter 2022
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church 5819 W. Pleasant Ridge Road | Arlington, TX 76016 817-478-8206 | svdpcc.org