T he A ltar S er
G ro wing C loser to C hrist an d R
Servers Carson and Angelina Bullock
ecoming an altar server is something of a rite of passage for many youths of the parish. Children grow up attending Mass, beginning as infants and toddlers crying and talking noisily in the pews. As they get older, they grow in self-control and reverence. At the age of 7 or 8, they receive their First Holy Communion and, finally, they can participate in the Mass by receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Once a child is in fourth grade, they are able to begin assisting as an altar server at Mass. Participation in this ministry helps children gain a special closeness to the Divine Liturgy and that brings them closer to God in a whole new way. “Instead of just being another person watching, altar servers are an active part of the Mass,” says Wayne Sulak, who coordinates the Altar Server Ministry. “They are a part of the celebration of the Eucharist. This participation deepens their faith.” The altar server schedule is made based on which weekend Mass a family usually attends. Typically there are two servers per Mass. If it is a holiday or special feast day, there will sometimes be more servers depending on the needs of the Liturgy. Training to become an altar server is a straightforward process, as well. “Right now, servers’ duties are very simple due to COVID restrictions,” Wayne says. “They carry in the candles for the processional and recessional and ring the bells during the Eucharistic prayer. Soon we will be adding holding the candles for the proclamation of the Gospel and presentation of the gifts. Training for new servers is done one on one. I will meet with a new server and one of their parents for a basic training.” Once their duties increase, there are larger training sessions and refresher sessions for current altar servers. Having altar servers at Mass is relatively new for the parish. Until 2016, the parish did not have any altar servers. It was only the presider and the deacon who would be by the altar.